Canada to Canada Postcard Tag

(moving this tag thread from the old forum)

Tag started by @90960

This TAG is for mailing within CANADA, to help Canadians who want to participate more but find international postage cost prohibitive.

Mailing addresses must be within Canada.


  • See how tags work: click here.
  • Optional: write the name of your province in your tag post.
  • Whenever possible, please send a card matching the recipient’s profile page information, or something from their wishlist.
  • When you write postcards, please remember to include the tag name, “TAG: Canada to Canada” and your username with your message.

I’m the last tagger on the old forum, so please tag me :slight_smile:: @truenorth_49

Additional rules:

:arrow_right: To promote diversity of participants, the same person can’t tag until 4 other people have tagged, you are only allowed to tag every 5th turn.

:arrow_right: There has to be four other taggers before you can tag again .

:arrow_right: Tag back is NOT allowed.

Edited by moderator 02-26-2024


tag @truenorth_49

1 Like

tag @JasonDavid :slight_smile:

Tag doombunni!

Tag @evank :slight_smile:

tag @truenorth_49

1 Like

Tag @JasonDavid.

Tag @mezzanine2

1 Like

tag @evank !

Tag @JasonDavid

Tag @truenorth_49

Tag @jakey

Tag @evank :slight_smile:

tag @doombunni

Tag @JasonDavid - time to refresh this tag :slight_smile:

Tag @evank. I have your address :slight_smile:

Tag @truenorth_49

1 Like

Tag @evank
I’m from Saskatchewan

1 Like

Tag @anon4305272

Tag @JasonDavid