Can your country issue stamps of living people?

I have a curiosity : can the postal service of your country issue stamps depicting living people?

In Italy, it’s mostly no. The only exceptions are the Pope (and there are actually some stamps with the living Pope) and the President of the Italian Republic (but, as far as I remember, no stamps of the president in office has ever been issued, and all stamps about past presidents have beed issued after their death)

On some occasions stamps have been issued where a specific person can be identified by a silhouette (for example stamps with an image from a film or a football player holding a cup), but the stamps are not about them and their aspect is not explicit.


It rarely happens but we have had one instance, to my knowledge

It was for Joseph Schooling, Singapore’s first Olympic gold medalist in 2016

They also issued the Olympic set, featuring 25 athletes. So technically he wasn’t the only living person to get a stamp


In my country it happens mostly with sportmen, after some sport success.


Yes, all presidents of Finland have got the stamp when they were or are alive. And some actors and artists too.


In Germany there won’t be any stamps with living people, only the head of state would be possible (but it’s been a long while since the last president used this right). There are few exceptions, when it’s more about an event than the person itself though: Personen, die zu Lebzeiten auf einer Briefmarke der Bundesrepublik Deutschland abgebildet wurden – Wikipedia. (only in German)

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In the U.S., a person can’t be honored on a stamp until three years after their death. An exception is made for memorial stamps for Presidents.


Hi, Cyprus issues stamps of living people. I also think the same is true for Greece and Australia.

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Yes, in Canada we issue stamps for people who are living - artists & leaders mostly.

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I think there’s no restriction for Indonesian post to issue stamps portaying someone who’s still alive. We have/had stamps of president and vice president. Also first ladies from different presidents. Some musical legends as well

Here’s the recent one issued by our Post

Waldjinah & Ebiet are still alive


I remember Australia issued some stamps of Olympic champions?

India had issued few stamps on few living personalities,
One of them is Sachin Tendulkar, he’s very famous Cricketer


Yes, Australia issues such stamps after each Olympic Games.

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In Poland we also have stamps with Olympic gold medalists and other famous sportsmen.

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In Spain, the only living people who can appear on stamps are the members of the Royal family.

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In Ukraine, there are no restrictions on the image of a person on a stamp.
There is a stamp of the first cosmonaut of Ukraine (issued during his lifetime)

There are stamps of Eurovision winners (Jamala and Kalush Orchestra)

There are stamps dedicated to the military (photos of real military personnel defending Ukraine)


there are many stamps with people and animals in Russia






The only living persons to be shown on an American postage stamp:


Seems they changed the rule in 2011.

I can think of these living people on stamps from US


There can’t be any British stamps without living people on them at time of issue (or design, I suppose)

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In :chile: Chile it is prohibited for living people to appear on stamps. The only 2 exceptions that have been made were for papal visits:

Pope John Paul II in 1987

And Pope Francis in 2018