Can a postcrosser refuse to send…

I’m not interested in political opinions here.


The postcrossing team once told me I can tell about these also myself if I want (to another member).
I think a good community and it members are open to discuss, can handle a notification when something is not along the postcrossing rules in their profile. It doesn’t mean they try to be a vigilante, but instead a friend, equal, who in my opinion is welcome to tell something (like please add a translation to your profile etc.)

[quote=“LydiaLsdia, post:41, topic:401837”]
Afterall, this person could be in the forums and will remember the treatment they received from another postcrosser.

What does this mean? What does it matter if they remember? Is it not good, so they will get to know each other better maybe? Are you worried they will do something?
Or are you threatening if someone writes something to you, you will…what…?
In reality, I think most people know a person is more than something they once said, especially if it was about just notifying something, so I wouldn’t worry.

Of course on cards and in PM you can write whatever you like, but the other person is also free to give a damn on your opinion and maybe that all leads to a flamewar between you and the other person.


I know, it has happened (that a person gave a damn of what they thought was my opinion), even when it was not a question about my opinion. But also has happened that it’s a sensible person, who notes they forgot some part of a guidelines, or didn’t know something (like that some people don’t use translator in their browser, or that they can’t tell to do something etc.)

I would much prefer a community where advise like such are taken as normal, and not like "don’t tell me what I do your not my mother :smiley: "

I also once got a good advice, as I had a preference of cards showing people who are sleeping together/with someone (I don’t remember), and this person asked based on what they thought of me, did I really mean it. :smile: I didn’t mean I want card of people having sex, but, who are sleeping, like in a picnic. Maybe someone would get mad and lecture how they can like people having sex and it’s not their business, but I thought it’s very considerate. I wouldn’t faint of such a card, but still, I appreciated it.

Edit. but yes, never hurts to report/notify the Postcrossing team. In my opinion many of these things could be solved between members, if they were not so serious/angry when someone correcting/trying to help them. (Yes, depends on how it’s said. I was careful and checked from a English speaker it’s polite :innocent: )


Nor am I!

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It is not what I would like. This person I dealt with also added that they preferred handwritten notes and even handmade cards. They came across as demanding things that are not part of postcrossing. I would rather hear from someone professional and who is not making demands. The criticism did not build community for me. I felt abused and unwelcome.

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I almost suddenly think you talk about me, but I never demanded hand made card.
And telling what one prefers is not demanding :slight_smile:

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Thus they just blamed themselves as prude! :rofl:

:rofl: but seriously, it felt funny that someone read and thought “this maybe not what she means” and is “brave” enough to ask. And maybe, isn’t it a saying it takes one to know one :joy:

And onward, also handmade.
(I do like such.)

@LydiaLsdia so are you again hinting about me? You did this some months earlier too did you? I think it’s better you just say you obviously won’t forgive me ever, so no one has to guess.
I did receive a card from you, and I did tell I would’ve preferred a hand written more and sent from your country, and not my address shared to a third party.

When it turned out you didn’t like it, I apologised, also gave you advise about your expired card and tried to stay friendly.

If you are talking about me, what do you want? Are you in your opinion helping to build a good community? You sent me the card in June 2021.


Really, we cannot go around telling people after the receiving the card, “hey thanks but it’s not what I prefer.” That’s ungracious. And just your opinion. What you want actually doesn’t matter in P.C. We’re off topic so I am leaving this now.

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Yes it’s off topic.
If you are hinting untruthful things about me, after over a year, I think you should be reported/notifyed. Intimidating other members with such strange behaviour, why? Should they lie they are happy about their address shared? Or else, you pop up in the forum being a victim, telling lies about others?

Maybe my thank you was not the best ever, but I did apologize, didn’t I? What did you do?
No wonder people send empty Hurrays.

Yes, we can tell if we don’t like our address shared, and we should. :+1:

Edit. I suggest you write about this to the Postcrossing team and then it’s dealt. They will handle it.

Edit2. @LydiaLsdia I hope you did write to the postcrossing team now, I will write my part.
I feel like I accidentally hit you with a pebble, and you keep stoning me for over a year.
I keep this public, since you refused to solve this in person.
I am waiting for an apology firstly of sharing my address (yes, you can share it, but it would be good manners/kind to show you care I didn’t like my address shared) and secondly and more importantly, discrediting me here for over a year, which definitely is not what this community is about.
I don’t read the whole forum, so it’s likely you do this somewhere else too, and I don’t want anyone think this kind of behaviour is normal and/or accepted.


In the meantime, most of the posts here are off-topic, so I will move some of them to other topics later.
This Topic is not about discussing the content of the profile and not about political statements in profiles in general - or whether or not to report profiles.

Also, the TO wrote an update in the first post and I think this topic can be closed now.
Do you agree with this @tokidokiteacher ?

Yes, please close the thread. Thanks.