Can a postcrosser refuse to send…

Postcards to a country due to political differences?
I just read a profile of a newish teenage member from China who states in her profile that she is a Marxist and REFUSES to send cards to anyone who supports Taiwanese independence.
I’ve only ever seen requests in profiles for people not to send political or religious cards, never a refusal to send one.

UPDATE - I messaged her a friendly reminder of the Postcrossing rule. She clarified to say she means refusing to do direct swaps (tags, round robins, etc) with ‘these people’, not officially assigned addresses.


Nö that is not allowed. Please send it to the support


Hi, I’m sure this has been discussed before, but I can’t find it.
Maybe someone else of the team can merge this into the correct topi?

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As @anon30754624 says, you need to report this profile to support. Their attitude is clearly against the Postcrossing rules.


NOT sending a card because of political / ideological / religious different opinions is absolutely against the postcrossing rules. Please report the user to the postcrossing team.
If you can’t even bring yourself to send a friendly card because of such different views, you should not participate in postcrossing. Even though I admit it sometimes may seem hard, but postcrossing is to connect people in general, not just people of similar mindsets.


That is so ridiculous… You need to report the postcrosser. Postcrossing is a place to bring people with different backgrounds and different views together, not somewhere to emphasize exclusiveness.


I think you’d better report the profile to the admins / support - refusing to send postcards is never allowed by the rules of Postcrossing, I guess…


I would report this to admin.


Of course it’s not okay to make such a statement or act upon such a mindset = chose whom to send if profile is drawn officially.

I would it report too.
Maybe the (teenage) newbie can be explained and change her/his mind.
So to report it opens the door to more connectivity.

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Perhaps you could send this postcrosser a (kind) reminder of the rules of Postcrossing and explain to her / him that in this great project, it’s not about politics, but simply about sharing postcards, and joy, from all over the world, regardless of opinions on different more or less sensitive topics.
I would hope that this person was acting in good faith and may have believed that he / she could choose who to send or not to send to.


I assumed it had been discussed previously but I couldn’t find any posts.

“Always send a postcard to each address you request from Postcrossing. There are no exceptions to this.”


I don’t find anything either.

But I don’t think there’s anything to discuss, because you can only discuss something on which there can be at least two opinions.
And that is not the case here, because the postcrossing rules definitely say that you have to write a card to all the addresses you draw.

So the only thing to do is recommend that you inform the support team. :arrow_right: Contact us


Edit: It’s pointed out that the two views are not linked, so I withdraw my comment on the opinion.

Out of topic...

Would Marx support CCP and PLA…?


I thought I had seen it all. What Marxism has to do with Taiwanese independence is beyond me.


I very much doubt that Karl Marx EVER said anything about Taiwanese independence :wink:


How sad…I have seen a few political posts but never that…I mean I have definitely seen some requests and statements where I knew the other person would not like me in real life…haaa…sadly I kept my reply and card very generic in what they requested…I am not fond of bringing politics into this because it seems to suck the fun out of things nowadays to each their own I guess.


I probably shouldn’t have put them in the same sentence as they’re not linked. Just two very strong opinions she has listed in her profile.


What a correct phrase to describe it lol. It is totally line with my real feelings.


OP i noticed you said you read a profile. From what I gather you were looking at random profiles and read this persons profile. Basically the answer would be stay out of it. If the person has a problem, its theirs, not yours no need to be Postcrossing police.
Despite the rule, yes you send a card for every address, there isnt one stating it has to be right away. And that Postcrosser themselves can refuse to send a card. Spiritually, it goes against what Postcrossing is for. However, it is that persons problems not yours. If that person does refuse to send a card after drawing an address Its her account and decision. Eventually, that card will expire at the 60 days mark. Then the slot opens. Any repeated actions will trigger the automated system, what I come to understand will suspend the account, but it will affect that person, not you. The reciever is also affected by not recieving it, but since its random, they never knew it was coming. Stay out of it, in the end.

Theres a lot of stuff people read on profiles they don’t quite agree with. In the end, it is better to stay out of it.

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