British Isles Tags - Thank You Thread

Thank you @EmmaG for the adorable Easter card that arrived today! The lamb is sooo adorable and I love that you can go and see lambs at a visitor farm near you! :sheep: I love all the Easter theming on the back of the card - stamps, stickers, washi tape and even personalised bunny address label - all so gorgeous and colourful! Happy Easter! :nest_with_eggs: :rabbit2: :hatching_chick:


I think yesterday’s post was delivered to the wrong house as it was dropped in yesterday evening. So it’s only now I can say thank you to @MartynHst43277 for his beautiful vintage card from the Isle of Purbeck. Martyn, I sometimes used to go on holiday there, too, in October half-term and, in fact, my parents have just got back from there - they spent their honeymoon in Swanage and love the area.

I hope you had a good visit with your Grandma yesterday, Martyn, and enjoy some chocolate today!


Sorry, I’ve been off gallivanting around Europe for the past week! Two lovely cards arrived in my absence.

@EmmaEirene thank you for the lovely greenhouse postcard. I only have greenhouse boxes so it looks very fancy to me; enjoy yours for me! :smiling_face: Oh, and welcome to postcrossing! Goodness :slight_smile:

@CEBooth I do love sea life, and as one would likely struggle to get the pretty seahorses and clownfish without snot flower worms, I love them too. It seemed distinctly springlike today on my drive home from the ferry - and the bluebells are out in my garden! Thank you for the card :smiley_cat:


Thankyou @Yorkshire_Lad for the great catds. I really like the ink stamps !


Are these meant to be for an international RR @tesc :slightly_smiling_face: ?

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Thankyou @jobloggs for a great cheery card on my return to work…
We had grandchildren for Easter and now its very :shushing_face: quiet


Thank you @JamCrackers for the very appropriate British Library card showing the entrance to the King’s Library. Not only do I adore libraries but I was at the British Library on Saturday for the signing part of the Postcrossing meetup! I also love the London-themed stamps! Hampton Court and the South Bank are both great places to visit. Going up to London on Saturday has reminded me that I must make the effort to go more often. I’m glad you are settling in, Jaymie, and I feel very honoured to receive your first card from your new Welsh home!


Thank you Georgia @geo_ for this super cute & beautifully decorated Easter bunny card :rabbit: your Easter bakes sound delicious! I love brownies & I’ve not made chocolate corn flake nests :nest_with_eggs: in years, we also used to make them with rice crispies :yum::yum::yum: yum!

I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend,
Emma x


Thank you @MartynHst43277 for this very today appropriate postcard :cloud_with_rain: :cloud_with_rain: :cloud_with_rain: I love the little snorkelling :diving_mask: mouse

I hope you had a great Easter & aren’t too put off by the RM price rises (offensive as they are!) x


I love my copy of this card too Martyn - very appropriate !Thank you


And I third that, @MartynHst43277 ! Unfortunately, way too appropriate at the moment. A very clever card and thank you for the stickers and stamps. The libraries one is really great!


Glad you liked :umbrella::droplet::cloud_with_rain::closed_umbrella::sun_behind_rain_cloud::cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

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I did have a purrrrfect Easter & plenty of chocolate eggs!! Lovely card thank you @geo_


I also got this funny card from @MartynHst43277 - how kind of you! Think we’re all feeling the price rises but UK prices still seem manageable! I love the cat stamp and stickers too, thank you! :smiley_cat:

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Thank you @geo_ for the beautiful photograph of the power of the sea and for sharing your memories of growing up on the coast. You were very lucky! I would love to take the train line by the sea and also to visit Lyme Regis again - my great uncle lived there but I have only ever been there once. The decorations and stickers on the card are perfect, too!


Thank you @geo_ for your postcard of Burton Bradstock, Dorset! Every inch the chocolate box village, by the looks of it! I would like to see some more creative stamps: the odd one with a protrusion for Feathers McGraw’s rubber glove for example are not enough! A bit of silver or gold shine on Charles’ silhouette on the commemorative stamps would jazz them up no end.

Alas, the stamp you used featuring the 1966 men’s football World Cup winning team has been defaced by a pen cancellation! :disappointed:


I had one of these too from @MartynHst43277 - thank you! It about sums up our weather at the moment :sun_behind_rain_cloud:


I also had one of these cards from @MartynHst43277 - how nice of you to surprise us all with a card before the dreaded price increases… thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I too was a lucky recipient- thank you, Martyn @MartynHst43277!

And for the splendid stamps and stickers- very much appreciated! Very good idea, the last hurrah for 75p second class!




A lovely, lovely card from Elisabeth (@mwntimperial) who knows of my fondness for Jackie Morris cards and thought I could do with a Jackie Morris dragon picture!

This is from her most recent postcard collection’The Unwinding’. Jackie is herself a postcrosser as well as a wonderful artist.

Thank you, Elisabeth
