Boston meetup, aug 27, 2022

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Time Out Boston, 401 Park Dr, Boston, MA 02215
:calendar: DATE: August 27, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00 AM-1:00 PM EST US
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Great open space with lots of drink/food options. Long Community Table seating so we will be able to have a nice area for whoever shows up. Close to Fenway Park and the Museums (all a 5–10-minute walk away). We will have a table, some Meet-up cards for purchase (at cost, cards are already designed and will be sent to printing once the Meet-up is approved), and anyone is welcome to grab some food (make sure you have some $) as we all sit down and talk about our experiences POSTCROSSING!

There are several parking garages nearby (spothero is a great app), and there is a T stop for FENWAY a block away on the Green Line if you are taking public transportation in.

Some pens will be supplied, but if you have any markers or stamps, feel free to bring them. Along with anything else you may find helpful to sit with the group and write some cards. Hoping to meet some new faces. :smile:

Msg me with any questions! user: gibsonpark



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count me in! :raising_hand_woman:t2:

tagging folks from the last meet up thread (apologies if i missed anyone!): @AlixW @kristencat @theJCAtx @fionat @askask11 @volvomom @paperglo @Midcoast @pbjohnny5 @Mitto


woohoo! putting it on my calendar!

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That is so awesome!! I would have come to the last one if I had been on the forum. Sorry I missed it, but hoping we can all make this one a memorable one, too. @volvomom will be coming as well (she was at the last two we had set up before the pandemic).

I will post a pic of the card once it is complete.


Great! It’s in my calendar. Thanks for organizing. LMK if I can do anything.

Alix W.

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I’m so excited about this! Looking forward to seeing everyone. I have the date in permanent fountain pen in my calendar!!!

Cool! Two Kristen/Kristins at the meetup!

I’ll be there!


It will be great to see you again, @JCAtx!

Can’t wait for this meet up!

We are excited to have everyone show up! I am ordering the meet-up card today… any idea on how many everyone may want?

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Ordering cards today… any idea on quantity? If you plan on attending, can you RSVP me with how many cards you may want? Thnx!!
~ Harley

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Just saw this. Can’t attend but interested in purchasing 20-25 cards if you haven’t ordered yet. I can send you cash for the cards plus postage. It would require you getting the cards packed and shipping priced at the post office, then messaging me with the cost. I then send you cash. Upon receipt, you ship the cards.
It’s not a scam, promise! Which is why you don’t ship until money is in your hand. It’s me who has to trust you! I understand if you don’t want to go through the hassle.
Please message me. Thank you!
Theresa, aka “MrsForrest”

Looking forward to this! It will be my first Postcrossing meetup.


I am late to the ordering party, so if you have ordered extras, I would purchase 10. Thank you! Koreen

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Have never attended a meet up before, would love to go!

We would love for you to come!! Think you can make it?

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I have 10 set aside for you. :heart:

Certainly! Would I be able to have 20 meetup cards set aside for me also?