[BITE] British Isles Traveling Envelope

I had one when I was younger, but traded it in for a word processor, but now bitterly regret that. It’s a good idea to look at repair shops though, thank you.
Btw, I haven’t noticed a problem with your handwriting :relieved:

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BITE 84 has returned back to me with lots of lovely new viewcards! Thank you @Natea @tesc @MoominMog @chrisbonham11 for taking part and sending great cards! :heart:


BITE 100 - Category Mix Up reached me from @MoominMog today. I’m making my swaps and getting it repackaged this evening, ready for posting to its next stop with @tesc tomorrow.


Received BITE 99 from @EmmaEirene, packaged up to send to @xxxxyyyyzzzz later (hopefully I make today’s post but it might be in tomorrow!) :blossom:


Bite 100 safely received from @chrisbonham11

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A bumper BITE update from me today:

  • BITE 90 - British Museums reached me from @Natea .
  • BITE 96 - Megabyte 2.0 reached me from @jobloggs .

I will make my swaps this evening / tomorrow (a grand way to spend part of a wet and windy bank holiday weekend!) and get them on the move with Saturday’s post to @JamCrackers and @EmmaG respectively.


Bite 100 prepped ready for tomorrow :mailbox: to @jobloggs


:hibiscus: UPDATE :hibiscus:

Happy April to everyone!!! What did the stamp say to the envelope? Stick with me and we’ll go places. (lazy man’s prank :slight_smile: )

Lots of BITES in flight and lots more with only one person needed to fill the group. I’ve added a couple of new options, one as a celebration of the Royal Mail as this month marks 100 years of commemorative stamps, and another for all things vintage, as suggested by @EmmaEirene

If everyone is amenable, once a couple more of the BITEs are in flight I’m happy to start up another Winner Takes All

And now… Drum Roll :drum:

The two winners of the grab bags for March. Everyone who has taken part in a BITE over March, even the ones still in flight currently, are eligible. There are 11 people in the draw, names and numbers are in the pinned post.

@postbot roll 2d11

Congratulations to @Maddymail and @claireandivy :smiley: I’ll have your envelopes in the post tomorrow!!


:game_die: 1, 11


Well done @Maddymail and @claireandivy :hugs: And thanks for the kind offer @Natea :blush:

Please can i join group 103? (Sorry I’m not a fan of vintage cards so don’t have any to join that group, but it’s a great idea!)

Would be great to see a new Winner Takes All - so many groups close to being full!


May I join BITE 103 - Going Postal please, @Natea ?


It’s an acquired taste @jobloggs :rofl:


Thank you Claire, I won’t be offended if it isn’t everyone’s cuppa :relieved: x

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There are definitely many Postcrossers who love vintage cards and don’t like the modern touristy ones i like! :heart: Wouldn’t it be boring if we were all the same! :joy:


the whole beauty of postcrossing is how varied everyone’s taste is. There are bound to be people with cards to swap


I love it too, so many different cards. It’s wonderful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You could always change it to ‘switch out the vintage’ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::rofl:

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Aw, thank you so much! :tada:

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Bites 102 and 103 for me please (I thought it said for older postcrossers at first lol)


BITE 96 Megabyte 2.0 has arrived today from @chrisbonham11 (great stamp selection, thank you Chris) and will be back on the road to @april03 tomorrow :postbox: x