[BITE] British Isles Traveling Envelope

I’ll look forward to receiving it!



Many thanks, Eugenia, the envelope for BITE 002, Any Nice Cards, arrived today with a selection of very nice cards. It will be on its way to @chrisbonham11 tomorrow.Thanks to you and to @Coffeedoff :smiley:


Cheers. Have a great day.


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Confirming receipt today of BITE 002 from @AllSerene : thank you!

I’ll be posting this on to @april03 on Saturday, as a trip to the Post Office will be needed :smiley:

003 received today👍


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I’ve got a BITE idea which I can host if others are interested, @Coffeedoff : flowers and plants. Postcards of paintings, photographs, botanical art, posters, and other representations of flowers and plants in art and design. Cards would not have to depict flowers and plants native to the British Isles, or named species. I’ve been inspired by the current ‘Green Planet’ series on the BBC. I’ve picked out 10 cards fitting the theme from my stash, so can get the BITE on its way if and when we get (sufficient) interest :smiley:


Have added group flowers and plants and another any nice card group also trying a
“not my country” group to see if that is of interest to anyone

Thank you!

May I be added to any nice card please. I may be interested in some of the other categories in the future. They look very good.

Thank you again @Coffeedoff.

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BITE 002 safely received yesterday from @chrisbonham11
full of wonderful cards - it is on its way home to @Coffeedoff!


BITE 003 was sent today to @AllSerene

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BITE 002 arrived home with some lovely cards.

Thank you everyone who took part


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BITE 003 arrived here this morning, with a lovely selection and will be on its way to LondonGopher later today.

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Could I join Bite 006 flowers and plants please?

Who do I dm my address to? @coffeedoff or @chrisbonham11


@AllSerene and other BITErs of 003:

The envelope arrived here this AM


it looked like angry badgers had chewed it (:angry::badger::badger:) …but all the cards were present and correct!

I will transfer the cards to a new hard-backed envelope and hand it to my postie tomorrow. Prepare for delivery @claireandivy


This biting business is fab. :+1:

May I please join Group 008 (Any Nice Card) @Coffeedoff ?

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