Birmingham meet-up 7th October 2023

Yay! Can you put me down for this please


Itā€™ll be lovely to see you again Clare!


Brilliant, see you there!


Fab, we look forward to seeing you there!

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to come, as Iā€™m hoping to be doing a stall at a zine fair in Leeds that day. But Iā€™ve put the date in my diary in case that arrangement falls through.
Itā€™s a shame, Iā€™m missing all the meet ups!
The only one Iā€™ve been to was a couple of years before in Birmingham and we had a lovely time!


Please let us know if you are able to come, if not there will hopefully be many more meet-ups!


You too! Looking forward to this meetup


Hi everyone, more details about the day have been added to the first post - weā€™d love to see you there!

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Thank you, looking forward to the event


Me too, canā€™t wait to meet some Postcrossers in real life! :joy:


Also, the essential postcard design is here!!

Just pulled the design momentarily as itā€™s looking a little too expensive to order that design in bulk. I will redesign it & go with another company & get a cheaper price hopefully for us all. :blush:

Please could people let me know how many they might like? Feel free to message me or pop down below in a reply!

Postcards will be 25p each

@moominmog - 25 postcards
@minimog - 10 postcards
@xxxxyyyyzzzz - 4 postcards
@MaiJN - 10 postcards
@jobloggs - 20 postcards
@rusticbouquetxo - 20 postcards

Maybe attending
@Maddymail - 10 postcards
@shaleen - 10 postcards

Not attending but would like cards:
@charzevans - 10 postcards


Wonderful, thank you @MoominMog !

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I donā€™t want to be that person, but before youā€™re caught out, check the postcrossing logo guidelines. You cannot put it on blue or red. It would look lovely across the bottom of the card!!


Ahhh thank you so much, I will change it!! You are the best I am way too new to this!

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Everyone learns somewhen! For the Stonehenge card I specifically chose a picture with a cloudy sky to avoid blueā€¦ or maybe that was because so far Iā€™ve never been when the sun is shining! :sun_with_face:


I have changed it now so hopefully all OK for the guidelines, on the back Iā€™ve put about the postcrossing logo being a registered trademark etc!


Iā€™m not a massive fan of meetup postcards (receiving or sending) but this will be my first meetup so Iā€™ll have something specific to say on them. It looks great @MoominMog ! Is that chain-mail building part of the Bullring?
Could I have 4 please ? Do I need to get a stamp , or will there be few enough to sign in total that I can sign by hand?

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Good question! I have not been to a meet up either (yes @jobloggs and I are both organising one despite never going to one lol), and I havenā€™t yet got a stamp. I am thinking of getting one for myself as I think I will get tired of signing lots by hand, and then I will use the stamp for postcrossing cards/forum swap cards anyway. Iā€™d say totally up to you whether youā€™d like to get a stamp. 4 is absolutely fine for now, Iā€™ll be ordering in bulk so if youā€™d like a few more on the day then thereā€™s that option :slight_smile: !

Others who are more acquainted with meet ups may have more of an idea on stamps (maybe @justjo? @JennyAssis?)

Edit - yes that is part of the bullring! People definitely love or hate it lol

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I have been to many meet-upsā€¦ my advice?? Invest in a stamp. :+1:t4:


Get a stamp! Think of signing in excess of 100 cards!