Beautiful cards with no favourites

Oh, I did not know about this topic, but I share the same experience: sometimes I send a (in my eyes) nice postcard which is not recognized at all. Well, sometimes I send a postcard which I send because the recipient has in on a wishlist and I do not consider it a great postcard, but it gets favorited… Different opinions, as always :smiling_face:.

I like to share these two:

Postcard CH-702568

Postcard CH-606667

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Year of the Rabbit postcard + stamp :rabbit:

Nature reserve ‘Blauwe Kamer’ (Blue Room) in Utrecht Hill Ridge National Park :green_heart:

Found a card sent many years ago:



These cuties haven’t got found friends yet :disappointed_relieved:


How does everyone get these nice screens except me?

Just post the link to the card from browser

Oh my, thanks so much, I was really lost :thinking:

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with my new siklls I post another card :sparkling_heart:


This poster.
Showing the Hanseatic City of Hamburg in Northern Germany


I think all trees are beautiful, but my favourites are these…Eucalyptus pauciflora! :heart_eyes:


While browsing through Postcrossing, I stumbled upon these nice postcards and I think they deserve more likes. :star_struck:

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I also really love this one. But it has no likes yet.

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I love this postcard :heart: it has no like…

Another like-less pretty.

Found this card from a beautiful spot in southern Switzerland with no likes. In reality it’s even more spectacular :hugs:

I’m historically bad at taking photos of the cards that I send, but here’s some of my favourite cards I have photos of that I sent (which have no likes)!

A few of my favourite sent cards with no favourites:

And some received cards:

Show some love for the couch potato :joy: