Are your postcards reaching Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Do you send different cards to different genders?

Sometimes, it depends on their interests which iā€™d be able to read on a profile !

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a thread about that topic somewhere in the forum. :wink: Some people just like the total surprise, I guess. No influence on the sender whatsoever. Preferences may clash here, but neither is right or wrong. Iā€™m not a big fan of empty profiles myself, but I accept that some (very few, really) prefer not to share any information at all about themselves. Donā€™t we all like how diverse this community is? :wink:

Russia is not particularly fast for me at the moment, although one card only took 9 days a few weeks ago. My cards are reaching their destinations fine, though.


I can send 39 cards, but 17 are to Russia. For me anyway, cards to Russia are going very slow. I did a couple private swaps and both people received my card in about 14 days so I donā€™t think the postal system is entirely to blame. Unfortunately several of the addresses I was give to Russia are from people who have not been online for up to two months or have sent
maybe 3 and registered none. One card to Russia expired, when I requested another because that slot opened, it was to Russia. This person has not been online in over two months. That card will expire in four days. It is frustrating when people sign up then disappear. They have the right to ā€œtryā€ postcrossing but these people are adults. They can easily make their account inactive and take two minutes to register a card. People forget sometimes that at the other end of a card is a person. It is just common courtesy.


I have had two cards recently get to Rissia from US in less than 20 days! I was surprised as it usually takes much longer.


I have one card traveling to Russia for 35 days so far. Itā€™s traveling to the far eastern side of the country, so perhaps thatā€™s why some take longer than others? I just received one from Russia that took only 17 days.

How can they register a card, that has not arrived?
How can they register a card, that arrives during their vacation? Do you really expect them to set their account to inactive two months in advance and not to get cards from their own country in that time, just because your cards need longer?
How can they register a card while they are ill in hospital or even dead?

The biggest problem of Postcrossing is imho the impatience of the participants: as well the one of the people here in this thread as the one of the addressees who leave pc after a few weeks without regitering any card and without deleting their accounts.

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When I was in hospital I received the most beautiful cards, and my family brought them there. Of course I registered with my moblie phone. I dont think all those inactive people are in hospital or even dead nor on holiydays for months. They just gave up, recveive a card, and thats it. It is just sad


The problem is: youā€™ll never know WHY people donā€™t register or log in.

Everything is possible: lost interest, cards havenā€™t arrived, no access to internet due to technical issues, a lot of work, illness, death, house burnt down, hurricane, blizzard - choose what you want.

I understand frustration, I felt the same in my early Postcrossing days. And if I drew an address and the person logs on regularly and registers any card but mine it happens also these days from time to time (not because of the recipient but for the postal service). But then I remember my funny adventures with Deutsche Post or some technical issues and all the heavy problems and and and.

ā€œKeep calm and be patientā€ :wink:

Edit: what I wanted to say is: there are many more reasons for not registering a card than a single person can imagine.


You sound very angry. I think people here have expressed a concern. And everyoneā€™s experience is their own experience, and their feelings have validity .
I rarely get on these forums anymore because I see people being attacked for describing an experience or concern.
Take a minute before you type and read and try and. understand what people are saying. Absolutely nobody said anything about people dying or being in the hospital
Please try and be kinder to people.
And with that. I will not be on these forums, it has gotten where some people are bullies. Have a nice day.


And btw, this had nothing to do with patience. It was about people who have obviously left postcrossing.

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You never know, why they do not register your card! And not knowing is really not a basis to judge someting or someone.

View from Russia: Iā€™m not going to tell that postcrossers in Russia are unreliable and donā€™t register their cards. Iā€™ve sent quite a lot to Russia before and Iā€™m sending now, not only through official pc but in private swaps and other domestic resources. Much more cards are lost in travel to USA than to Russia. On the one hand I can say that itā€™s because itā€™s international travel, but on the another hand I can say that USA postcrossers are unreliable and also disappear. Does it feel ok? No. Itā€™s not the right way to discuss members, itā€™s about postal system. The expired cards I have are to USA only (I have repeated & own country buttons on). But Iā€™m still not saying anything about members.

If youā€™re participant of this project, you know your risks. Cards could be lost, damaged, not registered. Members could be lost, ill, on vacation or theyā€™re just tired or donā€™t have fun from project. Itā€™s sad that card is not register. But mostly sad is blaming others.


Hi. Iā€™m from Bulgaria also. Most of my expired postcards are the ones send to Russia as well and also to Belarus. And this was before the pandemic. Here in Bulgaria our postal service is awful. Two years ago I send 3 postcards from Sofia to Sofia, they were for the same city and these cards have not arrived to this day.
So what can I say. I even wrote a complain, but since they were not tracked, they said there is no way to find out what happened.

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Yes. Iā€™ve had 2 sent to Russia received on Postcrossing so far and Iā€™ve received one from Russia on here so far.

Yes! This one arrived today after just 13 days:


Iā€™m in the UK and my cards to Russia normally take 15 to 30 days. However I recently had two delivered that took 85 and 153 days. None have ever been lost, so far.

I have been fairly lucky and have not had many expired cards so far. almost 300 sent. But those that have have all been to Russia. Doe4s anyone know the reason for this?

Hello @sherbert
Are the accounts offline for a longer time? I am always very sad to get a not activ account.
sometimes postcards can expird because ā€¦
ā†’ the address is not correct
ā†’ the writing is indistinct
ā†’ the postcard get lost

Some tips from me :slight_smile:
Write the address always in capital letters and check the address.

Thatā€™s a gorgeous postcard you sent too!! :heart_eyes: