Are your postcards reaching Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

I have 2 postcards travelling to Russia. One was sent 117 days ago (one of the first ones I ever sent) and another one 57 days ago. These are the only postcards I’ve sent there and so far the delivery rate is 0%. Is nayone else facing the same issue? I live in Bulgaria, our postal service is slow but still postcards have reached the USA and Indonesia which are even further away.


Cards to Russia can take their time, especially this year with the pandemic parc going on. Also, not all connections between countries are open at the moment (the postcrossing admins watch this, but even they are not perfect)

Also, cards can get lost at all (no matter which country), maybe by conincidence both your cards to Russia met this fate.

In the end, as with some other things in postcrossing: be patient.


I have sent a few Christmascards recently and the’ve arrived.


I live in Russia and postcards from other countries do reach me. Among my travelling postcards there are several expired and one of them is to Bulgaria, 114 day travelling so far.


I sent 5 cards to Russia in October , sadly they still haven’t reached and have expired :slightly_frowning_face:
This might have happened due to the pandemic as the flights might have been suspended.
I hope they reach their recipient soon


mine take forever, ive even tried printing their address in their recommended thing.


I am from Russia and I regularly receive postcards from different countries. Maybe something with the Bulgarian post?


2-3 months of travel from India to Russia is normal. Sometimes they go longer even at normal times, and now the borders are periodically closed and services do not always work in a special mode. Please be patient.


Good afternoon! I live in Moscow. In December, postcards from Germany reach me in 15 days, from Holland in 14 days, from Spain and Italy in 18-21 days, from the United States in about 25 days.


My last cards to Russia arrived in 25-30 days, a pretty normal time


Postcards to Moscow or St. Petersburg travel really quickly from Germany. Other (more rural) places might take much longer, though. They often expire before being registered. Just very few don’t arrive within 365 days, though. I only have one card to the very Far East in Russia (Magadan) that will be deleted from the system tomorrow. What a pity - the user is active an registers regularly. But those things happen. Maybe that’s one of the few cards that really got lost or was eaten by the sorting machines.


I sent a few cards to Russia in September and October, they arrived in reasonable time. Have two on the way right now but they were just posted last week, so it’s way too early for them to have arrived.

My experience with Moscow and St. Petersburg is quite the oppposite, though. My cards there travel usually the longest, that was also the case recently. The card to Moscow took way over a month, cards to smaller cities reached the recipients in 2-3 weeks.


In the ast, my cards from Germany to Russia usually needed between 4 and 10 weeks, so many expired before getting registered. I can’t see a significant difference between rural places and large cities like Moscow or St. Petersburg. The odd thing is that cards from Russia to me travel only 2-3 weeks. No idea why one way is so much faster than the other. I had a card sent from Germany and arriving in Murmansk in just 13 days, it arrived just a week ago. That was by far the fastet card I ever sent to Russia.

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Usually my cards to Russia would take about 30 days to arrive and often they would expire before arriving, but these days it takes about 17 days for my cards to reach Russia strangely enough.


In the last six years I had 34 cards to Russia were going to be expired. But related to all cards to Russia those are about 5 per cent. Other countries have a higher rate.

Will see! I sended my first yesterday.

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My cards (from Germany) have taken between 14 and 244 days to arrive at their Russian destination so far. Russian cards have travelled between 7 and 144 days to reach me. You see, there is a huge range. Be patient, your cards will arrive eventually.


My average travel time to Russia is something like more than 50 days. Make of that what you will…

Right now I have 2 lost cards to Russia, sent in February/March, and one at 58 days. I never worry about Russia because it’s totally hit and miss, and I never expect them to reach in less than a month - when they do I’m very happy!


My experience conforms with that of other members here regarding Russia. Certain countries are getting much slower. I am awaiting a private trade from Belarus that still isn’t here yet.

After reading this thread I am not worried about my card that has been traveling to Russia for 41 days now. :slight_smile: