Are your postcards reaching Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Though when a card expires, you won’t get the extra slot until after midnight Portuguese time. One of mine is going to expire tomorrow. It will show up on my list as 60 days for a few hours, then when I wake up on Tuesday morning, the new slot will be available for me. This confused me at first.

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Currently have one with 29 days and three with 10 days to Russia. Being a beginner with very few slots, it feels like it will be forever when I can send another postcard!


It can take many months to reach some addresses. Just be patient. Soon you will have more slots and more outgoing and incoming mail. Enjoy the process.

Thank you :slight_smile:

I have 9 expired cards to Russia. 3 of them are to Postcrossers who have not been online for months. One card to a person who is active will drop off the system in 3 days.
In total I have 43 expired.

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I have sent five cards to Russia this summer and none of them isn’t registered by now. Earlier there were no difficulties. This is not fun because I get Russian addresses very often. I haven’t any new addresses for two weeks because of these delays. I know that Russia is a large country bur we are neigbours and some of the cards I sent went to St Petersboroug which is very close to Finnish border.

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I have absolutely no problems with sending my cards to Russia, they all arrive from the Netherlands within 14 days. I have more problems with China, one card send and it’s been traveling 46 days now. But that’s common I’ve read somewhere in the forum.

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Same here. Very fast to Russia, faster than ever, but to China… :pensive:


45 days to China is absolutely average… The worrying about China should start after 3-4 months or so :laughing:


I sent 2 cards to Russia in January 2021. Both arrived last week :smiley:


My card to Russia takes 145 days so far, to China 119. Unfortunately so slow at the moment :frowning:

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: good to be warned :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I currently have three cards travelling to Russia (2x 24 days + 6 days) and one to China (41 days), none of which worry me. A few of my recent cards to Russia took over 30 days, but mostly the travel time was somewhere between 14 and 20 days - I don’t consider this particularly slow. China takes longer, but that’s not exactly newsworthy. :wink: I have had a card to China registered after only 9 days in May!

Of my expired cards, more went to the US and Taiwan than to Russia, but most of these were sent in the second half of 2020 when the postal system was going crazy. In general I don’t notice a big delay or more cards expiring.


A big envelope I sent for tags in the old forum to Russia last year just arrived last night.
Everything is possible. As long as the member is not ghostcrosser :rofl: :rofl:


Hi Barbara, just a gentle reminder that we have no control over what happens to our postcards once we mail them so we can’t be blamed for cards not showing up or looking bad if they don’t right?

Expired postcards are part of the process with Postcrossing and the vast majority of people understand that, so no need to worry eh?


Strangely, it helps to know that even cards from Finland take a long time or expire going to Russia.

The majority of my expired cards are to Russia - 5 at the moment sadly - 1/3 of the Russian addresses I’ve been given this year.

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@LC-Canada Thank you for the reminder :heart: You’re right of course.
There are 3 days left before that postcard I mailed to Germany expires.
Would it be impolite of me to message the user and ask if maybe it arrived and he didn’t register it for some reason? Maybe my postcard ID got wet and smeared or something?

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I’d just ask if it arrived, nothing more - keep it neutral and if it was Germany, I might send another card because they generally get there fast and very seldom expire, but you are not required to of course.

No, it wouldn’t be impolite. One time I neglected to write the postcard ID and the recipient couldn’t register it. Another time, the postcrosser just said no she hasn’t received it yet. Some postcrosser are willing to register your card without actually receiving (an official no-no) while others stick to the rule.

I’ve only been Postcrossing for 12 months and have had 2 expired cards. Both happen to have been sent to Russia :man_shrugging:

@LC-Canada I didn’t even think to offer to send another card, thank you for the suggestion.

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