Are your postcards reaching Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

I have sent in total 195 cards to Russia, average travelling time 42 days. Not surprisingly the more recent ones sent have travelled even longer. Not too many vanish altogether though.

Since I restarted Postcrossing in December, 3 cards to Russia have arrived in 17, 20, 23 days. These were all to some of the nearer parts.

One, sent 34 days ago, is travelling to the far end of the country with most of the cards being registered by the active member taking 90-100 days. I have three others travelling but currently at 15 days or less so I would not expect them to arrive yet.

I am more surprised that I have a card travelling to Belarus that has taken 34 days (and counting).

I thought, Sankt-Petersburg is not far away, just aprox. 350 km- there will be 3-4 days, no more. But there are already 7 days and I become impatient.
I wrote the address in Russian.

Iā€™ve sent two cards to Russia on Jan. 2nd, the one to Moscow arrived already and the one to St. Petersburg is still on the way.

@SiLV & @Maren_84, if I remember it right all mail to Russia first goes to Moscow and then is forwarded to the final destination.


I have a lot of expired postcards lately and I mean a LOT. To Russia but also to the US and even Germany. Some members havenā€™t been online for over a month but some are active postcrossers. Very frustrating as stamps are even more expensive in 2021 :roll_eyes:

My first postcard to Russia arrived within 20 days, address written in English. Then I had another address from Russia, written in Russian. Because I heard that addresses written in a language of that country would get delivered faster. But it got expired. I had the same with Taiwan, so I will not write in a different language anymore, unless there is no address in English :sweat_smile:


US-7264438 made it to Moscow from the northwestern US in just 18 days! :scream: (And I donā€™t believe that I mailed it on the same day that I drew the address, so the actual journey was even shorter!)



My first one to Russia (from USA) is still traveling - 42 days.

Average travel is 64 days for me but many have taken much longer especially since COVID.

My cards to Russia are taking three or maybe five weeks depending on the destination city. So that is really not longer than before covid. Very few of my cards to Russia expire. And Russian postcrossers register my cards quickly.
Surprisingly since covid the cards I am sending to Canada, Finland and sometimes Germany are taking much longer. Had my first expired card to Canada recently.

Currently Russia arrives faster than cards to the USA. At least when I look at my statistics.


I have found that cards to Moscow arrive much quicker than elsewhere, including Saint Petersburg. (I had one reach Moscow in two weeks.)

But on the flip side, I received two cards from Siberia this week that had only been traveling for two weeks, which seems super fast, considering it took the same amount of time for one of my cards to reach Mississippi, three states over. :stuck_out_tongue:


I have sent one card to somewhere close to Siberia. Iā€™m wondering how long will that take. But I wrote something about deportations, so maybe it will not ever reach it :grin:

Arrived. 369 km in 24 days.

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I just sent my 3rd postcard. The other two were never registered (I have doubts about whether they reached the destination or not as the users have not logged in and registered any postcards for 2-3-4 months). I hope 3rd time is a charm :smile:

I have sent one thirty_ one days ago. I donā€™t know when it will arrive.

I had a postcard registered a couple of days ago that took 86 days to go from Canada to Moscow. I still have some more that have been travelling over 100 days, so this gives me hope that they will arrive. From what I understand - many mail is going across the Atlantic by sea due to flight reductions.

My postcards from Germany to Russia are currently arriving pretty fast. I had several arrive within 12 days lately.

My latest cards from Finland to Russia have taken 17 - 27 days to arrive, that is quite normal. I do have three that have expired (travelling 78, 124 and 204 days). Either they have been lost in the mail or taking the scenic routeā€¦

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