Are your postcards reaching Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Cards sometimes get lost. That happens to some of my cards to Russia and it certainly happens vice versa, too. But if you think the recipient got it without registering it, you can send a personal message to the recipient and ssk her if she forgot to register it. If that does not help and you still think that she got the card, you could turn to the Postcrossing staff via Contact us .


I agree with you, because everyone who says that they are hypocrites and duplicitous people. Someday there will be justice and truth… But i don’t want to use postcrossing all over the world anymore, only with acquaintances. Rarely brings joy.

What do you mean, it’s nobody’s fault? It’s the post’s fault :grinning: We pay for the service and from the moment we deposit a paid card, it’s the postman’s and post’s responsibility to deliver it and not lose or damage it. Cards get lost, but not by themselves, but by the post’s negligence. I assure you I handle much smaller things in laboratory and I don’t lose them :grinning:


I think it can be understood that there is not one person to blame/nothing is perfect/things happen, many things happen/should happen before the card finds the receiver.

Whose fault is when two postcards get stuck together and someone gets both? When the sender’s hand writing is incomprehensible? When the address is printed and falls out? It’s not fault of the post.

Maybe you don’t lose the things that you handle, still you likely make other errors, or mistakes that affect to someone else’s work. I don’t think for example the postmarker “loses” the card either, but like it’s not your fault if the carrier loses it (a sample perhaps), a cool preservation gets broken etc just the same as it’s not post’s fault, if an air plane drops and mail is lost, or someone steals it, puts fireworks to a mail box etc.

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I sent a postcrossing postcard to Ukraine in June and it took almost 2 months but did make it!

In January I sent one to Russia to a person openly lesbian on their profile, called their own country homophobic and oppressive. The postcard doesn’t seem to have made it. From what I understand Australia aren’t sending to Russia anymore. I wonder what happened to them

Always happy to hear from people on the other side of the world and how they are getting on

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I read the tone of the original post as cards get lost and it’s really ok, because they are small, and I disagree with it.
Of course I make errors, but they are my fault. The machines break too and can waste samples, but it still is my responsibility, because my lab and I were given the responsibility for the sample. The same way, the post was given responsibility for the mail.
I just think that we should do everything with care and precision and not brush off negligence as “it happens”.


You can get upset on not arriving cards, but that does not change anythig and it does not help at all, it just drives you nuts and makes you leave postcrossing eventually.l

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But the post can’t decide this. It’s too complicated to be only on their responsibility.
Mail is handled in bulk. I don’t know how expensive it would be if each piece of mail were handled in care and precision, and how slow, so it’s not realistic.
(I am actually often surprised how they manage to find the mail is to me. Thinking all mail I got, that is not properly addresses, there must be many wrongly written too where they can’t figure out who to send it to. The post can’t do anything to situations like this and it’s not their fault.)

I think it’s understandable mail gets lost, and this is what I read from the original post, so we just read it differently. :hugs:

But back to topic too, Finland doesn’t send to Russia anymore, but last time I sent to Ukraine in the end of July and it took only 26 days. (I was prepared for longer travel time.)

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Talking about all the challenges the postal workers have to deal with, I would like to insist on the necessity of writing the addresses not only clearly, but using the internationally-recognized shapes for numbers and the standard-recognized shape for letters… Then one should avoid using easily-deletable ink (letters do get soaked often, though it beats me how that could happen!), and avoid using pale or red ink that is often hard to read depending on the background.
And please do write the address exactly as the person has written it, without adding or suppressing parts of it, or changing it for things more familiar to you (!!!yes, a surprising number of persons actually do that, thinking I have made a mistake!).

Of course all these precautions will not ensure that 100% of the mail is delivered to the proper address and in a timely way, but it may limit the number of lost items.Generally speaking the post people do a good job, but nothing is 100% fool-proof, and sometimes, like everywhere, there are “crazies”, just like some firemen become pyromaniacs, some postal people steal letters or throw them away, but this is RARE!

Happy world postcard day to you all!!!


After coming back to postcrossing after a 2-year break. I began to notice very quickly I wasn’t getting any Russian members addresses or receiving any postcards from Russia. Unfortunately for some reason Anpost is not sending mail to Russia :person_facepalming::person_shrugging:. I just want to say I miss your beautiful postcards and stamps :pensive:


China sends mail to Russia and receives it absolutely normally, and recently rather quickly as these things go… Postcards from Russia (and Belarus) are warmly welcome here!


So am I :pensive:

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Russia still sending postcards to Ireland. I think you will get cards from Russia.


Send me your address in private. I will send you a postcard


@lastIrishman, I also can send you a card :slight_smile:
Just forgot that Russia is still mailing to Ireland.

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I would love that. On the postcrossing website you can check the see which countries are not sending mail to which countries and I checked Ireland and it says that Ireland’s not sending to Russia. I really don’t know what the story is to be honest. It would make sense why my send cards are extremely top-heavy on Germany.

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@Natalie_soul I read your comment with interest. I was searching around quite a bit for the person who wanted to exclude Ukraine from Postcrossing but could not find that comment. It’s probably good that I didn’t see it because it reflects an absurd and narrow mindset. You expressed your feelings in a very calm and mature way. Thank you for that.

After the events of recent days, this war will be prolonged for some time to come. The repercussions on PostCrossing members are significant. I have long-time trading partners in the Russian Federation that I can’t mail to. Except for one; she is presently living at her second residence in another country and can receive cards there. Which point up to another serious issue: the attempts by some here to evade the mail suspensions that many nations have put in place.


sent you a postcard

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I do not undersand at all why someone flagged @Natalie_soul post above. She totally made sense.

Edited to add:
I am now relieved her post above is no longer flagged if what I see now is correct. Thank you, the administrators.


Perfect. Well done.