Are there any teenagers here?

Hi! Im 19 yo
And I love this place!!


Happy birthday!

I started in 2020, when I was 14.


Thank uuu :herb::heartpulse:

I’m 21 now, but I’ve been doing Postcrossing during all my teenage years. I loved it (and still do) and it has helped me a lot with learning English (and other languages).


Was 21 when I started. Now I’m 30. I did draw a card of a 15 year sometime ago. Also I have gotten cards from younger people left and right.

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I became 30 three months ago, I feel you.


I think I will be a teenager for years :slight_smile: little crazy :crazy_face:


Good friend! I also started Postcrosing when I was 15!

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Im 14 I started a year ago even though i sent only one card (now I’m sending more!)


I’m 19, and I just heard about it this year.


I’m 13 :slight_smile:

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I am 20!And I have been a postcrosser for two days,hhhhhhhhhh​:rofl::rofl:


I have a 15year old cousin that wants to start postcrossing but she doesn’t have a job yet so she can have money to buy stamps and postcards with

Can someone please tell me, why my text seems to be violent to others?
Just got a message from system about my agressive behaviour concerning this text.
(for detail please just look at the ‘view ignored content’ on my last post.)


Me. Teenager here (With a few years of extra experience), haha

I can write to you if that interests you :slight_smile:

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I think it’s great when teens participate! I’ve attended several meet-ups where there have been some teens. What I liked about it was that that they were included just like any other member. No one treated them differently, they got a chance to speak and share their cards and talk about their interests. I remember being a teen, especially on the younger end, and really appreciating it when I was viewed as an equal member of the group, not someone who had to be treated differently.

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I look a look at your post and while I did not report your post.

To explain it now, is going to be tricky. What I believe went wrong is:
People probably think you wanted to say: ‘I’m a 23-year-old that feels as if I’m 13’
And you used the word ‘mental retardation’. Which is a serious condition.
They think you do not have this condition, but that you’re just stating that you feel as if you are 13.

Also in English the word ‘retard’ has become a bad word. It used to be a medical term, but it became a term of abuse that hurts people. Sometimes because we are not native speakers of English we miss these things.

This is the only thing I can imagine that went wrong. Other than that, I cannot see anything wrong with your post. And I feel really sorry for explaining it like this, because if you truly have this condition, it’s really mean that people just judged you and reported you. So I feel kinda bad explaining it like this, but I cannot imagine anything else in your post triggered people. I feel like people should be a little bit more careful with reporting posts like this.

I’m sorry.


Thank you for trying to explain it. This term ‘mental retation’ had also been for me the inly reasonable explanation. I really didn’t know that it became a term of abuse. But what should I say/use instead?
I don’t wanna make you or anyone, who reported my post out there, responsible, and you didn’t hurt me at all, but I didn’t get it, why someone can be so upset with my post of the mental retardation.
Thank you anyway for your heartwarming words. It’s a blossom for my soul. :slight_smile:


Like I said, I did not report you, nor did you offend me. It’s the only thing in your post, where I can imagine that people would take offense. You asked why your post was reported, so I took a look, and I can only imagine it was this.

I think maybe the term was not wrong… I find it hard to explain, but they probably think you don’t have this condition, and used the condition to make a joke. So they did not take you serious, or they just didn’t believe you.

You’re an awesome person, and you did nothing wrong. There are too many people that make jokes about handicaps and mental problem. Because of the jokes others makes, people won’t believe you.

It’s like when I always tell a lie, when I tell the truth no one will believe me. However, this time other people always lied, and when someone comes and speaks the truth they will not believe that person. So all those people that lied before you (so they could make a joke), those are wrong. It’s not your fault!

Like I said before, you’re an awesome person. You have not done anything wrong, or made anyone upset. You’re a good person. Don’t worry about it too much, try thinking about the nice things. :slight_smile: You can talk about your condition, and I am sure everyone here will accept you as you are. That’s what you deserve, that’s what everyone human deserves. You are very welcome here.


Подростки на месте) мне всего четырнадцать, и я тоже заметила, что чаще можно встретить посткроссеров на порядок старше, чем я