April 6, 2024 - Springfield VA Meetup: SPRINGPEX Stamp Show

Hi Asiya! It’s going to be a great time! I have you down for 20 postcards! :blush:

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Hi can i add 10 more cards. It will make the 20 as noted n the write up.

Hello Owney! I’ll mark you down for 10 more cards for a total of 20.

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Please count me in, and I’ll take 20 cards please! My first meet-up, very exciting!!!

Good news! It should be lots of fun! I’ve got you down for 20 cards! :blush:

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I may come by :slight_smile:

Hi! Thanks for letting me know that you are thinking of dropping by. Wanted to let you know that we’ve limited the event to 20 people this year and I’m planning for a group that size. Number of seats, size of room, number of meetup postcards ordered, prizes for games and treats are all factors. Your best bet is to rsvp. There are currently four slots still open. Thanks for understanding. Of course, you can still pop in for a few minutes and attend the stamp show too.

Definitely want to come! I’d like 10 postcards, please.

So glad to hear that you’ll be joining us! I have you down for 10 postcards! Could you tap the ‘going’ button at the top of the invite to secure your slot? suerae :blush:

Hi! I will be there. Please put me down for 20. I will buy more if available as well.

Thank you for organizing! Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Count me in for 20 postcards please! Super excited and thanks for organizing!

So gal you’ll be joining the group! I have you down for 20 postcards! suerae :blush:

I’m excited too! I have you down for 20 cards! suerae :blush:

Going! Looking forward to meeting everyone. 20 cards please.

Great news! I think we’re going to have a fun time! I have you down for 20 cards! :blush:

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Hi, my name is Kevin Hans and I am the Chair of SPRINGPEX 2024, the event where this Postcrossing meet up will take place. On behalf of SPRINGPEX 2024 and its sponsor, the Springfield Stamp Club, we extend our welcome and want to let you know how excited we are to have you at our show. After the meet up please look at the exhibits, some of which will feature postcards! As a show attendee you can vote for your favorite. Also, several of the dealers will have unused picture postcards as part of their stock. We have a large Youth and Beginner table if you want to ask questions or learn more about stamps and postal history. Lastly, I invite you to consider joining the Springfield Stamp Club, it’s only $2 a year as we have members who collect postcards and who belong to Postcrossing. See our website, springfieldstampclub.org to learn more about us.


Please put me on the waiting list. Turns out that I can go after all.

Hi Linda! I have you down as #1 on the wait list! I’ll let you know if something opens up.I just found out about NAPEX and am considering attending. Sue :blush:

I would like to RSVP for the meetup and attend the show if there are still spots available.

Hi MarSo23! Unfortunately, all 20:slots are filled but I’ll add you to the wait list! You’ll be #2 on that list. I will be sending out a reminder to those coming in a couple days about the event. If for some reason they can’t come, I’m going to ask them to release their slot. :blush:

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