April 6, 2024 - Springfield VA Meetup: SPRINGPEX Stamp Show

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Springfield, VA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: John R. Lewis High School, 6540 Franconia Rd, Springfield, VA
Map to Meetup
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, April 6, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10 AM - 12 PM EST
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Looking forward to hosting a meetup in conjunction with the Springfield Stamp Club’s SPRINGPEX Stamp Show. This will be my first time planning a meetup, but I was able to learn lots from my first meetup in Washington, DC and then with San Diego Postcrossing Meetup folks!

We will spend time signing or stamping meetup cards, sharing about postcards we’ve received (show and tell), playing a couple of games, rummaging through a freebies table and making new friends.

Meetup postcards will be 20 cents each with a limit of 20 until 11 AM. Any extra cards can be purchased at that time. Please bring the correct amount of money or you can VENMO me the date of the meetup. Of course, you may purchase fewer than 20 cards.
When you RSVP, please let me know how many cards you want by commenting before March 16, 2024.

I’ll provide cookies. The stamp show will have a concession stand provided by the High School Booster Club for other sandwiches, drinks and snacks.

After the meetup, you’ll be able to visit the stamp show, purchase stamps, postcards, and show covers (cache, postal stamp, date). A USPS employee will be selling stamps including international stamps. There is no cost to attend the stamp show.

What to bring:

  • small custom rubber stamp or pen to stamp/sign meetup cards
  • items to donate to free table: postcards, washi tape, stickers, stamps, pens, markers
  • 10 of your favorite “received” Postcrossing postcards for a game
  • exact money to pay for meetup postcards

RSVP: Please click the “Going” button if you plan to attend as the space is limited to 20 people. Remember to tell me how many postcards you want by commenting on this post.

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

Looking forward to meeting lots of new Postcrossers!

Attached is the draft meetup postcard that is being reviewed by Postcrossing.


I’ve never been to a meetup before, but this is right in my backyard. I’ll plan to be there!

You’re my first response! Did you see that you can purchase the meetup card (limit 20)? Please let me know if you want to order by the cutoff date!

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lovely idea but I am not available that day.

I’ll be there, really looking forward to my first Postcrossing meetup! I’m also looking forward to checking out the stamp show.

I’ll take 20 meetup cards.

Planning to be there! I will also take 20 cards please and thank you :smiling_face: Looking forwards to meeting new folks and seeing some familiar faces :yellow_heart:

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I can’t get there because I don’t own a car but I would be so happy if someone could send me one in Lynchburg, VA!

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Yes, thank you for the reminder! I’ll take 20 please!

I have you down for 20! :blush:

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So glad that you’ll be able to attend! I have you down for 20 cards. :blush:

Glad you’ll be able to make it! I’ve really enjoyed the meetups I’ve attended! And I have you down for 20 cards! :blush:

Thanks for letting me know! Hopefully we’ll be able to do this again next year! :blush:

I’d love to attend! And would like 20 postcards. Thanks for organizing :slight_smile:

So glad that you’ll be able to join us! I’m marking you down for 20 cards! :blush:

Awesome! I’d love to attend, and I’ll take 20 cards as well please :smile:

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Great news! I’ve marked you down for 20 postcards! :blush:


Thanks for the message but that’s the same day as the Cherry Blossom 5k. Otherwise I would have loved to attend :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for responding! My husband ran the Cherry Blossom a few times! So cool! Have fun. :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::blush:

Thanks for organizing the meeting! I’d like 10 postcards please.

I’m out of town that weekend but it looks like fun. Thanks for the invite and hope you do again in the future!