Any postcrossing « good resolutions » for 2022?

Hello everyone! Happy New Year!
I would like to know if any of you have made some postcrossing « good resolutions » for the year 2022? If yes, would you like to share them with all of us? Maybe you could inspire us!!! Thank you!!!


I’m going to try and write more cards in German to practice more :+1::de:


To keep busy and avoid overthinking.


I will try to buy less postcards. :wink: I have restocked quite well in 2021, so I‘d like to use most of my post card boxes and books before buying new ones. :slight_smile:

Also, I was thinking of maybe starting to make YouTube videos about my postcards. I love watching others talk about Postcrossing (just like you @cerisette79 ).


yes definitely buying way less of everything. or less often. to make it a bit more realistic i’ve told myself to not buy anything at least the first 2 or 3 months (except for stamps). recently i’ve been buying something for pc almost every month (and i’m not talking about only 10 cards) so i think this is a realistic goal :innocent:


Welp, this year I’m going to be trying to up my sent postcard number to at least 300 postcards sent, maybe even 350. (Depends on how much money I’ll have to buy postcards, stamps, and other supplies)


I want to be more consistent! I enjoy postcrossing so much, but I’ve let life get in the way of this lovely hobby already twice. I was postcrossing back in 2005 and I’m still sad that account is gone. :expressionless: I plan on having a more organized space, so that I can easily have my cards available and for it to be less of a hassle to write more.


On apologising to parents as an adult.


Because February is a letter-writing month and the Mailcarrier Appreciation Day is in early February, I’ll repeat my action from the last year and write one card every day in February. Well, this year a couple of extra cards on Twosday (22/2/22). :stuck_out_tongue: Sure, most of the cards will go to Germany & Russia, but last year I got a nice mix with Finland, Japan, Belarus, UK, Greece and Slovakia as well. :slight_smile:


To not look at the site often. I have enough stamps. Oh but those new stamps are so pretty!


Yes I have.

1: I have agreed with myself that I will not send more than 4 cards in a week.
2: I learn Norwegian so I can write in that language with Norwegians. :bouvet_island:.

  1. buy less cards
  2. do as many multicard swaps as possible
  3. get as many places from my wishlist as possible in multicard swaps
  4. when I run out of cards, rethink what is truly important for me to do in my spare time

Buy less card and less stamps. I am hoarding postcrossing supplies at an alarming rate. I don’t even want to know how much I’ve spent in the last 3 months. Probably reaching a thousand dollars or more.:expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:


I want to do better at keeping up with uploading pictures of received cards and putting them in albums. I got behind the last two years and spent a lot of time today figuring out which ones did not have pictures, uploading those and then filing all the cards away.

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Like other people: buy less cards, I’m going to try to not buy any cards because I have enough.

Send more official cards.

  1. Buy much less cards (running out of space…)
  2. Try only buy cards from thrift stores (much better variety and every card is unique, plus so much cheaper)
  3. Send cards from my travels! (at least from Cyprus, as it has only 123 members, hopefully Monaco too)
  4. Getting better at decorating the cards (well better is subjective, but more creative, in ways I haven’t done it before)
  5. Maybe make a Postcrossing instagram account with my mom, maybe a youtube video even?
  6. WRITE. IN. GERMAN. I need to practise the language before it again disappereas from my brain :sweat_smile:

I made a postcrossing-inspired resolution:

Since a few weeks my father seems to have Alzheimer. He´s deteriorating fast, and he´s scared. I cannot visit him often, and he´s holding of visits with covid. We used to have long talks over the telephone - now he´s scared of the phone, and zooming is impossible. We´re cut off of eachother, suddenly, just when he needs familiar warmth so much.
Thinking about how I could keep ´feeling´ him, connecting with him, I decided to write him postcards, inspired by postcrossing:
Little moments in time, litlle encounters, an image that I know appeals to him, keeping and maybe making his world somehow open, a small story, a compliment, without a past or future, without an expectation for him, just kindness. To receive, enjoy, and read again - until he can´t. But for now I think this might be beautiful. Inspired by postcrossing.


So nice to read everyone’s plans for the next year! As for me I intend to:

  • find a couple of like-minded postcard pals;
  • use postcards as a way to put my Finnish Language lessons to use;

Other than that, well, I have really no plans. Just trying to get back without overwhelming myself and keep writing and having fun with it. :blush:


I will make my own postcards.
I need to understand the how-tos and start my journey.


This is a wonderful resolution, Ebi. I am sure that your father will love it. When I had problems a few years ago my best friend sent me postcards every week, and it did me so much good. :orange_heart: (it was even before I was on Postcrossing)
I wish you and your father a lot of strength and courage in this period.