Any postcrossing « good resolutions » for 2022?

I want to continue to try to use up my existing stock of thousands of postcards and to also not buy any more. I won’t completely stop buying but I’ve promised myself to only buy ones I really like and not just because ‘ooh this place has postcards’!

I don’t normally do New Year’s resolutions, but this thread made me think about this. I should try to get more cards (I don’t have loads of them), and try to keep a steadier pace.
And not get overwhelmed. For that reason I’ll do more official cards than forum cards.
But mostly just have fun with it.


Use Travel Mode!

Last time used: december in DE. A top country. I would like to visit MC. Is Monaco :slight_smile: .

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I want to work on using up more of my postcards before buying any more. I have so many beautiful box sets and it would be a shame to not send them out for people to enjoy. I also want to work on sending more cards this year before my life gets too busy again and I have much less time for Postcrossing. Maybe I can get my sent number up to 750!

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About a week ago I decided I’d send five cards a month. That’s not much, I know, but postage isn’t cheap here (around €2.6) and it does add up.
Well, that resolution is now broken. :wink:
I tried, I really tried and then I got these new cards I’d ordered and…