About the Australia category


hello from Germany! Dear friends in Australia, I love platypus unfortunately I believe that I can never see one in nature, but maybe you will send me a postcard with a platypus? I will answer them with a card from Germany! :grinning: Kathrin

I’ll see if I can find one for you send me your address

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Oh sorry I read your message very late … but I was very excieted !! My adress is

Address removed by the Administrator. Please use the private email system to exchange addresses.

if i can also do something for you let my know! I also can send a postcard from Germany :slight_smile: best regards HUG Kathrin

Good morning Australia (German time) :wave:

May l ask if someone of you know the reasons why the post (letter etc.), correct address/ stamped, needs nearly 3 month each way. My new pen-friend got my 1. letter (written/send in July 15th- 2021) in the middle of October 2021…she answered direct. I received this letter 2 weeks ago…and she is still waiting for my Xmas greetings 2021… :pensive:
Even a normal postcard in Germany needs sometimes 10 days for a distance of 200 km…

Thanks in advance for your answers
Regards Widder

Sorry for the delay in responding, but if you’re still curious I believe our mail delays (to and from) Australia are due to COVID. For almost 2 years Australia closed its borders and there were very few flights arriving or departing. Because during ‘normal’ times our international mail is loaded onto these flights, suddenly there are long delays until another flight is scheduled to depart or arrive. Mail by sea is also delayed as there have been huge shipping delays everywhere caused by covid (both illness and extra cargo and costs). Lastly, due to lockdowns within Australia there has been restricted postal services so everything is still happening but much slower, with many delays and backlogs (lots of online shopping!).
International flights are beginning to resume so hopefully mail will be traveling with it again and things will speed up again. It may take some time however, as travel slowly resumes.

Do you have any idea how long the delay is? I send few mails early Dec to Australia expecting they will arrive around New Year but nothing until today. Is it normal delay or are my mails got lost?

International mail has been dependent on flights so I think that your mail has only gotten through now because flights to Bali have just resumed. They’ve probably had a big pile of mail just waiting for a plane to put it on.
Looking at Auspost mail restrictions, most of the delays and suspensions are due to limited flights so hopefully as the world reopens the mail will get through again.
Give my love to Bali :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I will keep on hoping then. Hopefully not too long now. Thank you for the info and hope you have a great weekend :two_hearts:

Hi from 2023! I have a crap ton of $2.10 and 5c platypus stamps, and now that the postage base rate is $1.20 :frowning: Auspost is releasing new stamps and maxicards which have platypuses in them. So let me know if you still want one!

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Hi Australian postcrossers,

I’ll be visiting your country, and will be around in Sydney and Ipswich, Springfield Lakes on May 2-17, 2024.

I only have May 2, 3, and 17 in Sydney (will have to update on this later), while I got a lot of time to meet people in Springfield Lakes, Ipswich.

The Sydney meet-up is a bit tight for time, so I’d like to ask what place is good for a meet-up near the airport. Are Aussie postcrossers free on weekdays, after work?

Hello lovely people!

I am not travelling for the next couple of months, so no opportunity to buy tourist style postcards & my local area is very rural so we don’t really have much in the war of postcards here. I have a little stash of Australian animal cards, but I am wondering if there are any online stores (in Aus ideally) that people can recommend who make cards. Not necessarily Aussie themed, anything really. I just need to build my stock back up & as I am not planning on leaving town soon I need some ideas!!!

Cheers, SS

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Hey @SkyeButNotTheIsland
I buy maxicard and prepaid postcard from AusPost online.
I also find eBay to be a great place to find those types of postcards of previously released designs.
I also use redbubble for postcards - lots of Australian theme ones there and many many other designs. Quick deliver too.
You can find Australian artists on Etsy who make and sell their own postcards - most also have links to their instagram and personal website if you don’t wish to support through Etsy.
Alternatively can buy from bookstores like Dymmocks who sell the postcard box sets of particular designs like - studio ghibli, Disney, Harry Potter, Lego, women in science and in art etc
You can also check marketplace. I find quite a few people sell their stamp collections and postcard collections there.
Hope this helps!!

  • Chelsea

Thank you! I am in a small rural area so physical stores are few & far between here, but I will have a look at Etsy!

@SkyeButNotTheIsland everything I mentioned has availability to buy online and deliver to your address / postal box. I don’t buy much in person myself. Best of luck with building up your stash! :slight_smile:

I’d also recommend this section of the forum!

It has two sections at the end for online stores and etsy stores - both filled with great suggestions and rough postage costs!