9 December 2023 - Winter Holidays Meetup, Seattle, WA, USA

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Seattle, WA, USA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: White Center Library 1409 SW 107th St, Seattle, WA 98146
:calendar: DATE: 9 December 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 1:00-3:00 Pacific time
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Sign postcards, share and trade extra cards, visit and socialize with fellow enthusiasts. Please bring pens, signature stamps (if you have one), postage if you wish to mail cards from the meetup, stickers and Washi tape if you like to decorate your cards, and a desire to share holiday traditions with others.
You can bring any postcards to use for the meetup, you’re not required to use any “official” card. :grin:
A meetup card is being designed, and will be available at the meetup for $.20 each. I’ll post the image within the next few days. If anyone wants to get them before the event, please message me.
Please limit your cards to be signed to 25, as more than that can get quite cumbersome.


Updated 21 November. Here’s the meetup card I’ll have at the meetups. Hope you like it. :grin:


I will be there!
Requesting 20 cards. :slight_smile:

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Great to hear from you Austen. 20 cards it is. :grin:

Hello dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap the wonderful card.
My offers:

Enjoy your meetup and thank you in advance.

Great meet up card! I was only going to order 10, but I like it so much that will take it to the limit. :slight_smile: 25 please.

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15 cards please. Richard and I will be there. Thank you for putting this on Kay.


I’d like be to swap!

My offers:

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It will be great to see you both there. :mrs_claus:

I’ll send you one of ours. Surprise me! :grin:
Message me with your address, and I’ll do the same.

i would like my 40 cards or 50 if you have enough, will be there with seachange, i live in des moines about 10 miles south of the meeting place see you there

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Hi @richard42
Great to hear from you, and I look forward to seeing you next month. I’ll put you down for 50.

I am sad that I cannot make it. I would like to order 10 and pay postage. Thanks so much Lyneen.

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Hi! Would anyone like to swap meetup cards? I have one from a meetup I attended just this past Saturday in York, Pennsylvania. Thanks :smile:

This will be my first meetup! I’m excited to come! I would like to request 5 postcards :slight_smile:


I’m excited to meet you. There are great people at the meetups, and I hope you enjoy yourself.

Hi friends. The other day I stopped by the White Center library to check on the situation with the meeting room, finding it large with many tables and chairs. :slight_smile: I also met some lovely ladies of the White Center library guild, hosting a book sale along with a variety of other goods, including some holiday decorations, of which I had to indulge.

I mentioned I was using the space on Dec. 9th for our meetup, and she mentioned she was gathering greeting cards to distribute to Veterans homes in our area/state. I thought it would be so great to include postcards in that distributions.

I’m asking if any of you coming to the meetup might want to write/bring holiday postcards that I can then send along to 5 different Veterans homes after the meetup. I’m going to start the collection with 25, and I hope you’ll be interested.

Don’t stamp them, as I’ll send them in bundles in envelopes.

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate and indulge.

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I will be there and would like 12 of the meet up cards. Also I will bring postcards for the veterans.

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Hi Eunice. Glad to have you join us. I’ll put you down for 12, and see you at the meetup. Thank you for writing holiday cards to veterans.

I almost forgot to order some postcards. I would like 10 please, thank you so much!

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