8 June 2024 — Speyer Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Speyer

:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Speyer Hbf (main train station)

:calendar: DATE: Saturday, June 8, 2024

:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00

:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

  • 10:00 at the train station

  • 11:30/12:00 -16:00 Restaurant '“Alter Hammer”
    Leinpfad 1 C, 67346 Speyer

  1. @rose1979 (Christine)
  2. @Muschel (Gabriele)
  3. @shugal (Martin)
  4. @Cloe-Leo (Elke)
  5. @Mrs_Momo (Maria)
  6. @jenmac75 (Jennifer) ?
  7. @jenmac75 (Partner) ?
  8. @Bayrisches-Madl (Sabine)
  9. @chris2812 (Christine)
  10. @Shirazz (Daria)
  11. @walterG (Walter)
  12. @Boerdefloh (Susanne)
  13. @Cawe (Carmen)
  14. @anne50 (Anne)

Meetingcards please make available for all when you make one. Please not more 150 cards.

Von Colleen:
I have created two Meet-Up postcards, one each for the two UNESCO sites.

Here is my first card, Moonlit Cathedral, available at €0.20 per card plus postage.

My second card, ShUM - Mikveh, is available at €0.20 per card plus postage.
The Postcrossing Logo is on the back.

KARTE #2 (Vorderseite)

KARTE #2 (Rückseite)


Thank you so much for inviting me. Sadly I can’t make it as I won’t be in Germany on this day.

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I would have loved to participate but unfortunately I am off to Duisburg to take part in an event and therefore can´t make it to the meet up in Speyer.
I wish you all a lot of fun.

Ich möchte mich anmelden aber vorerst mal mit Fragezeichen bitte

Gibt es dann auch eine Meetingkarte?

oh nooooo so sad I’m on holidays at that time :sob:

There will be a next time!


Yes! One of a moonlit cathedral is on order. Once it has arrived I will upload it.


I would like to attend, too. I’ll check with my girlfriend (not a Postcrosser) if she wants to join, too.

@CraftyHill: May I also create a meet-up card?

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Martin, FYI I have created one with the cathedral as the motif and will upload it as soon as it arrives next week. I am still working on one which features the mikva, Speyer’s second UNESCO WHS.
I will not hold you back from creating a third one. Might it be a bit of an overload though with three, asks this Meet-up organiser newbie.


Ich finde es schön, wenn es verschiedene Meetingkarten gibt.
Jede/r macht das anders!
Wenn du aber nicht willst, das jeder ne Karte macht/hat, musst du es oben erwähnen oder schreiben, das du eine machst.

Und von 12 bis 15 Uhr wird denke ich knapp mit der Zeit. Aber das ist nur meine Meinung.
Es ist dein Meeting und du gibst alles vor. :innocent:

Übrigens musst du oben nur das allererste auf Englisch schreiben, danach geht alles in Deutsch. :wink: @CraftyHill

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Ich habe es heute paar lieben PC-Freunden erzählt.
Am selben Tag ist Meeting in Reutlingen und dort sind viele Meetinggänger. :sweat_smile:
Hoffe auch das mal ganz neue auch dazukommen.
Ich liebe Meetings und am meisten mit viel zu sehen. :hugs:


I’ll continue in English as we may have visitors who are not fluent in German. :innocent:

@CraftyHill Thank you for the information that you’ll design two cards with the two UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Speyer. When you only mentioned the cathedral, I thought the SchUM site needs a card, too. Now that is covered, I still may consider a third card, but that depends if I find a motif that I really like. I hope there will be sunny days in March (I need to use a few vacation days from last year until end of March), if so I’ll do a “photo safari” to Speyer and see what I’m coming back with. I know Speyer has lots of nice views, and I also have often created meeting cards with the meeting restaurant on it. Maybe I even can find an angle of the restaurant with the cathedral on the background, we’ll see.

@rose1979 is right, @CraftyHill, you should write in the first posting which meeting cards you will create, if others are allowed to create their own meeting cards and what the requirements are (e.g. must be made available to all participants, may only be designed by meeting participants, define a maximum number of meeting cards etc.). You are the meeting host, you make the rules (if you want to, otherwise people will be free to do what they wish).

Regarding the number of meeting cards, I think 3 cards with 14 participants is fine. I recently attended a meeting in Neckarsulm with 6 meeting cards and 30 participants. That meant a lot of cards to stamp, but we had the restaurant from 13:00 to 18:00, so it worked out. I agree with @rose1979 that 12:00 to 15:00 may be a bit short. There are different approaches to meeting cards. Some people send a certain number of cards and use the card design they think fits best for the recipient (which may be a non-meeting card), others exchange meeting cards with others and therefore send a certain number of cards from each motif. So in general the number cards to stamp will increase with the number of different meeting cards. And of course there are the meeting books, which usually require a significant amount of time for writing and decorating.


Hallo zusammen! Habt Ihr Lust nach Speyer zu kommen:
@T-Tanni - @B-Engel - @Niklot - @golleo - @Mrs_Momo - @Katrin0612 - @Kira26 - @saintursula - @jenmac75 - @Cloe-Leo - @anne50


Als Info:
@Cassiopheia hat eine UNESCO Karte mit einem Motiv vom Speyerer Dom kreiert und drucken lassen. :slightly_smiling_face:
Vielleicht besteht daran auch Interesse hier.

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Guten Morgen,

ich möchte gerne an dem Meeting teilnehmen mit 1 Person.

Liebe Grüße
Elke (Cloe-Leo)

Yes, I would like to attend please! Thank you @Muschel for bringing this to my attention!

Lust schon. Aber ich bin schon verplant. Euch viel Spaß :heart:

Yes, I would like to attend. I’d like to bring my husband also.

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Liebe Christine, Ich habe meine erste Karte oben gepostet. Ich freue mich auf diese Meeting um neue PC Freunde kennen zu lernen und um “alte” PC Freunde wieder zu sehen.

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