30 September 2023 - Meetup in Tacoma, WA

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tacoma, WA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Swasey Library, 7001 Sixth Avenue Tacoma 98406
:calendar: DATE: September 30th, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11 AM - 1 PM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Calling all Postcrossers! Join us for a meetup to share our collective joy of Postcrossing, to make fun connections with other people, and to spread a welcoming spirit to Postcrossers around the world.

Plan to fill out cards with each other, trade or share postcards to other attendees, take home vintage cards from the library collection, and enjoy some light snacks.

*The date for this meetup is Saturday, September 30th.

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

:scissors: Notes for meetup organizer (delete this text after reading): :scissors:

  • Your meetup must follow the Meetup Guidelines. Please keep the link to them on this post (already included above).
  • Always specify the timezone of the event when choosing date/time on the “Add Event” button above.
  • Your first post announcing the meeting must be in English. The rest of the meetup discussion can be conducted in your own language.
  • If you’re creating meetups postcards with the Postcrossing logo, make sure to check the Logo Usage Guidelines.

I will happily attend the meetup! Anything specific I should bring? Or should I just bring my usual postcard supplies?

I’m interested. The initial title says 29 Sept. and the info says 30 Sept. I’m sure it’s the 30th, just before World Postcard Day. I’ll be there! I’ve started looking at the WPD cards being designed. Should be fun! See you in September.

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Yes, the calendar is acting a little weird. It is the 30th. I’ll add an extra note in the description to make it clear. Looking forward to seeing you there. Rhonda

I am hopeful I will make this meetup!!

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I am really new to postcrossing but am looking forward to attending this meet up.


I am looking forward to being there. :slight_smile:

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looking forward to it going to do my best to be there.

@saoirse253 Please add @Richard42 as going.He wasn’t able to get the “going” button to work. He’d like 40 cards if there will be a card created. Thanks. Kay


Planning on being there!

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I would like 15 cards please. I plan to attend. Thanks.

papadick42 {horner} will attend am coming with seachange, will need 40 cards, hit the coming button and nothing happens

Will meetup cards be available? If so, I’d like to reserve 20 please. If not, I’ll order some WPD postcards from another source. Thank you for hosting!


Hello hello! I’ll do my best to be there. If there’s a meetup card, please put me down for 20. :slight_smile:

Just usual postcard supplies. We might do an icebreaker or activity for fun but otherwise just share cards for signing or exchanging.

We might do an icebreaker or activity for fun and should be plenty of us who can answer questions if you have any. Looking forward to meeting you.

I don’t have any experience with meetup cards. The library has a limited budget and isn’t able to provide them. I’ll see if there is anything I can come up with but otherwise not able to reserve cards for folks.

@saoirse253 No worries! @cherrytempest asked earlier if she can use her resource for meet up cards. Get connected with her. Once that is set, we can all place our quantity orders. The last meet up Postcard that we just had (in Olympia) was fantastic! It’s WPD, so it’s gotta be special!


If @cherrytempest is able to arrange for meetup cards to be available, I would like to purchase 20.

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Hello IF you do make meet up card i would love to purchase 15 if not believe me i understand, hope everyone is doing well & enjoying he cooler weather :slight_smile:

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