28 Apr 2024 - Busan Meet-up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Busan, Korea
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Busan Station Underground Shopping Street Open Business Centre 네이버 지도
:calendar: DATE: 28 Apr 2024 (Sun.)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00AM-12:00PM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Signning the meet-up cards together and meet new friends!

Hello dear postcrossers in Busan!
Me and my friend will travell to Busan at the end of April. I would like to hold a mini meet-up there and meet the local postcrossers. There are 2 meet-up cards designed for this event.

Please comment below if you are willing to attend, and also let me know the amount of the cards you request before 19 Apr 2024. (Maximum is 30 postcards per type; each piece KRW 700 for printing fee.)


  1. A Bite of South Korea (10 pieces)
  2. Busan Capsule Train (10 pieces)

Beside, remember to bring your stationery or your own chop, pens or stickers for cards signning! Waiting to see you at the meet-up!


  1. @carolinewithu
  2. my friend Jojo
  3. @yumeri
  4. @888mato888
  5. @cinnac
  6. @yunsa
  7. @hamsterking
  8. to be continued

I want to attand Busan Meet-up!
I am so glad that meetup hold in Busan!

And I need
A Bite of South Korea (5 pieces)
Busan Capsule Train (5 pieces)

Thanks for holding meet-up!!

  1. A Bite of South Korea (5 pieces)
  2. Busan Capsule Train (5 pieces)

@yumeri @888mato888
Hi Yu and Maral

Well noted on the cards amount.
Thanks for attending! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
May I know do you have any place sugguestion?
I will live in Haeundae, do you know is there any place near here for meet-up?


How about reservation place like party room??
I think Haewondae on sunday is so crowded

Hello, I want to attand Busan Meet-up!
It is happy to know this meetup. Thank you so much.

A Bite of South Korea (7 pieces)
Busan Capsule Train (7 pieces)

I’m not sure where we’ll be meeting, but here’s a free venue I know of.

Busan Station Underground Shopping Street Open Business Centre

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Hi Eunjeung, @cinnac

Well noted on the cards amount! Thanks for attending and sharing information.
Busan Station Underground Shopping Street Open Business Centre looks quite nice! Could you please help to book 10 people room from 9:00AM-12:00PM on 28 Apr 2024 if possible?
I tried with my naver account but my account cannot. :frowning: Prefer the bigger room and can we book one hour earlier strating from 9:00am so that if some people arrive early that they can still enter.

Thank you so much and glad to meet you at meet-up!


Yes I have booked, Caroline.
Hope to see you there on Sunday the 28th.

It’s my first meetup and I am very excited.

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@yumeri @888mato888
For your infomation, meet-up place has been confirmed, looking forward to meet you that day! :blush:
Busan Station Underground Shopping Street Open Business Centre

@cinnac Thanks for your booking! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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Hello, Caroline!

Thank you for holding the meet-up.
I want to participate in the Busan meet-up :blush::two_hearts:

A Bite of South Korea (20 pieces)
Busan Capsule Train (10 pieces)

I will arrive in Busan May, 8th… so sad I can’t participate :frowning: I wish you a nice and interesting meetup!

Hi Eunjeong,

Noted on cards amount. Looking forward to see you at the meet-up! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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Love to swap

Hi! I like these postcards very much, can i swap with you?:heart_eyes:

swap: swap (обменник) – 80 Bilder | VK

meet-ups cards: meet-up (встречные) – 20 Bilder | VK

Hello! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Anmelden | VK

Could we swap for A Bite of South Korea?
My suggestion:

It’s a bit late, but can I join the Meet-up?

Hi Alice,

Yes you can still attend, I will add you into attendant list.
May I know the cards amount you request? I printed some extra one and hope it will be enough.


Thank you. :smiley:

  1. A Bite of South Korea (10 pieces)
  2. Busan Capsule Train (10 pieces)

Looking forward to joining the meet-up,

Can we swap on this postcard?

my swap album