27 april 2024 - Postcrossing meeting Antwerpen

Nee, hoeft niet. Maar bedankt voor het aanbod!

Ah ik zie nu dat het Koningsdag is in Nederland op die datum. Dat zou ik veel liever willen meemaken, dus ik wil mij helaas uitschrijven voor de meeting

Bij ons is het ook leuk :sweat_smile:. Neenee, geen probleem hoor. Misschien lukt het wel een andere keer

hello Postcrossers :vulcan_salute:
i just wanna say thank you all especially to @Mieke1985 and @Mamiielariie who put Indonesia flag :indonesia: on the card A & B :blush:
i really appreciate that :+1::clap:
Postcrossing unites people :confetti_ball:


Hi there duo to Personal problems I Will not attend the meeting this time I am so so sorry
Kind regrads ana

Sorry to here about your problems. Take care and weā€™ll miss you. Iā€™ll send you a meetingcard :slightly_smiling_face:

Dan graag 5 van A en 15 van B. Dankjewel! Postzegels heb ik nog van de meeting in Brugge :slight_smile:

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@Imagien kan je laten weten hoeveel kaartje je wilt of ook als je er geen wilt hebben?

@streveta @LeishaCamden @Caterp1llar @Popomus is it possible to make the money of the cards over to my bank pls?

Next week I go on holidays and doā€™nt have time for it


Hoi Mieke,

Fijn dat ik ook mee kan op het nippertjeā€¦
Mag ik 10 (of meer) x kaart A en 25 x kaart B
Dank je en tot snel!
groetjes, Ellen

er zijn nog 13 over van A wil je ze allemaal?

Ja graag

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Ik heb je even Pm gedaan ook

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Hello dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap the three wonderful cards.
My offers:

Enjoy your meeting and thank you in advance.

@Mieke1985 wat moeten we nu doen met de laart, ik heb deze al geruild

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@Mamiielariie @Jeke @juytters @NancyV @Evike86 @soundstorm @NatasjaB @elena_gloverr @annibaer @Schlafmohn @Opec @mar127 @chrisskywalker @Esperluette @irmatje @KAS @Robinchen @OliZil @elbe @Weselfee79 @tani @EdithK @Hermelina63 @lukkyluke @bencoste @Beetlemail_t @Caterp1llar @Kathleen1963 @ItsDunnies @postsmurfin @Sinnika @Vanreth @Popomus @isagv @Imagien @Ineke54 @LeishaCamden @Miranda78 @Minttuinkeri @schrizzo @riek1955 @Pabalie

Dear Postcrossing friends

Itā€™s only a few weeks before our meeting in Antwerpen and iā€™m looking forward to meet you all! Maybe you have seen it allready(or not) but there is a problem with one of our meetingcards(design B). @Mundoo told me that the logo does not comply with the logo usage rules because the logo is on a blue/red background. Thatā€™s why we can NOT use the meetingcard. Before your start to panic. I thought about a solution. I made stickers with the postcrossing logo on a white background that you can put over the wrong logo. This way we can still use the meetingcard and not just throw them away. I just orderd them and everybody who has design B can buy the stickers with me. The price of one sticker is 0,15ā‚¬. Please send me a pm with how many stickers you need. You can pay me via bank transfer. I donā€™t have the time to send them to you before the meeting so i will give you them at the meeting. Sorry for this inconvenience. If you have a questionā€¦you can contact me. Lara is not available because she is on vacation.

See you soon!

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10 please

For me 25 stickers for card B please, thanx Mieke.

What is the alternative?? i donā€™t like to putt sticker on my meetup cards.

@Mamiielariie @Jeke @juytters @NancyV @Evike86 @soundstorm @NatasjaB @elena_gloverr @annibaer @Schlafmohn @Opec @mar127 @chrisskywalker @Esperluette @irmatje @KAS @Robinchen @OliZil @elbe @Weselfee79 @tani @EdithK @Hermelina63 @lukkyluke @bencoste @Beetlemail_t @Caterp1llar @Kathleen1963 @ItsDunnies @postsmurfin @Sinnika @Vanreth @Popomus @isagv @Imagien @Ineke54 @LeishaCamden @Miranda78 @Minttuinkeri @schrizzo @riek1955 @Pabalie

Putting a sticker over the logo is not allowed.

Unfortunately the postcards should be disposed of. Those who have already got the postcards must NOT use them and they need to be destroyed.

Postcrossing Team

Use a different meeting postcard that does not violate the Postcrossing logo rules.

Postcrossing Team