26.-29.5.2023 - Geocrossing Meeting in Kassel

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Kassel / Hessen
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe
:calendar: DATE: 26. - 29.5.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: Saturday 27.5. 11:00

:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We discovered in the Handmade RR that many of us share another hobby besides Postcrossing: Geocaching! So we got the idea of organizing a Geocrossing Meeting. The focus of this meeting will be at getting to know each other, to find some geocaches and to craft together, but of course also to write cards. Neverless we ask you not to bring too many cards to sign because the focus won’t be on signing/stamping cards.
Important: You are also welcome if you don’t want to craft or to go geocaching!
The hotel Gästehaus Sonnenhof Kassel has some rooms left on that weekend. Call them soon if you want to stay in that hotel.

26.5.2023: Some of us might already arrive on Friday. There’s no plan yet for this day. But perhaps some of us already want to meet.

27.5.2023 11:00: We’ll meet in a meeting room at the hotel Tagungen – Gästehaus Sonnenhof Kassel (sonnenhof-ks.de). They also have a nice big terrace that we could use at nice weather. They don’t have food for us, so we have to bring cookies or things like that with us.
My suggestion would be to meet there relaxed after breakfast (ca. 11:00) write cards, talk and drink coffee. And when we are done or want to go geocaching or we get hungry or whatever, we move on.

28.5.2023: The Geocaching Event will be this afternoon in Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe. I’ll announce further information soon. We can also watch the Wasserspiele together.
Link to the Geocaching event

29.5.2023: Some us us might stay until Monday. There’s no plan for this day yet. But perhaps some of us again want to meet.

Participants Saturday (max 16 persons can sit in that meeting room):

Participants Sunday (no limit):

Last year’s participiants, do you want to join again?

Those who were interested last year, do you want to join this year?


I would like to come to the meeting.

I’m looking forward to it.

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Konsue told me so much about last year’s meeting at the Easter Meetup last Monday and I would love to be there.
However, FedCon in Bonn is exactly on this weekend, so unfortunately it doesn’t work out.
I hope for next year then!

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Unfortunately, I will be on vacation abroad during that time.

Hallo ja ich bin gerne wieder dabei. Von Freitag bis Montag. Gibt es auch evtl wieder eine Karte fürs Treffen.

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Ich bin dabei!

I could make another try.


Ich würde gerne kommen, weiß aber noch nicht, ob es zeitlich passt (irgendwie habe ich auch das Gefühl, ich hätte an dem Wochenende schon einen Termin) - würdest du mich erstmal als “vielleicht” eintragen?
Falls ich Zeit habe, bin ich das ganze Wochenende dabei :blush:

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Das hört sich nach einem großartigen Meeting an, leider kann ich an dem Wochenende nicht. Ich wünsche euch super viel Spaß und einen gute Spürnase für die Caches :blush::four_leaf_clover:


Da bin ich doch sehr gern wieder dabei :smiley:
Auf jeden Fall Samstag und Sonntag. Der Rest wird sich finden…

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YES I am still interested but do not hold a place for me. My second attempt at a bone graft surgery (since the first one sadly failed completely) is Wednesday April 19 (just a few days away) and it is most likely I would not be able to come, but who knows, it might be possible? But in the meantime do not hold a place for me. But I will continue to watch this event and enjoy thinking about it even if I am unable to come. Thanks so much for including me on this message string!


It‘s so nice of you to ask :relieved:
Sehr lieb von dir, aber leider habe ich keine Zeit. Aber toll, dass du das noch auf dem Schirm hast und nachfragst!

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Thank you for thinking of me! :blush:
Since the date is the Whitsun weekend (plus the weekend after my daughter’s exam week) I can’t really say yet what our family plans are going to be. I might join you spontaneously on the Saturday, but can’t make any promises yet.

:green_heart: :fox_face:


Ich bin wieder dabei und freue mich schon :smiley:

@EttaHenry good luck for your surgery :four_leaf_clover:


I am sorry to say i won’t be able to make it this time :cry:
I wish you all a lot of fun! And maybe next time, i will be there again.



This could be a Meeting card… Should it be?


I think it’s wonderful!

You can ignore me since I am probably not going to be there anyway, but if this is to be an international card you ought to write “2nd” instead of the German “2.” :slightly_smiling_face:
Apart from this I think it is beautiful design!


:cry: I think it’s too late. And I’m to stupid​:roll_eyes: