25 January 2024 - Seattle, WA Meetup (Lunar New Year)

This is seachange. Do I need to get my cards ahead of time if I want to make them maxi cards/offical first day of issue with stamp? I got approval to get the day off.

Iā€™ve just requested the day off of work and Iā€™m very excited to be going. Can I get 20 of each design, please? Iā€™m trying to re-build my postcard stash!

Hi @seachange glad to hear! I have reserved 10 of card A and 15 of B for you :slight_smile:
The stamps and postmark will be available at the ceremony :slight_smile:

Hi @ephemeratea you got it! Will see you there!

I will be there and I would like 20 postcards of each design

Hi @burnzi53 I have reserved the cards for you. See you there!

Hi Everyone!

If you plan to come and havenā€™t ordered cards, please comment how many of each design you want.

If you reserved the cards and havenā€™t pay yet, itā€™s 0.25 each card. venmo @jiaqing-mo or pay cash on the day of meetup.

Thank you and Happy New Year!

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Very excited to join you all at the stamp ceremony! I have never been to one before! I would love to reserve 10 of each postcard design, please. I will Venmo you now. Is there a certain place we will meet at the ceremony?

Thank you!

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Oh noooo! I just looked at my work calendar and discovered I have an event that day and canā€™t go! So sad to miss this one! I already paid for my cards with Venmoā€”would anyone be willing to get stamps/first day of issue postmarks for me? I know thatā€™s a lot to ask, but just thought Iā€™d put it out there in case someone wouldnā€™t mind!

Thank you, and I hope everyone has a great time!

Hi Annie @hagimomiao thanks for creating such cute postcards! If possible, I would like to order 20 of each A & B pease (40 total). Looking forward to the stamp ceremony and meetup. Thanks, Thuha

@hagimomiao hi Annie! I would like to order 10 of design A and 15 of design B. I will pay you by Venmo. Thank you! See you there! :grinning:

Hi @thuha @Boblucky7 Unfortunately I have already ordered the cards and reservation is not available now. But I should have at least 10 for each of you, depending on if anyone else need to join last minute. Let me know at the event and you will be able to buy some :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sure I can get 5 more at the event, right? Since I already prepaidā€¦?

Hi @Boblucky7 I have refunded you, and you should be able to get at least 5 of each design (10 total) at the event, please pay after :slight_smile:

Thanks. If we had known that thereā€™s a specific cut off date I couldā€™ve ordered promptly.

From 20 down to 10 now for both design?

@Boblucky7 I meant 10 for each of you (five of each design) at the beginning ā€¦ Decent chance to get more if not a lot people sign up last minute. Sorry about not specific about the deadline, but it takes up to 3 weeks for the cards to print and ship. Please understand. thank you

Thanks for your response, I understand and will make sure to bring some cash in case there are extra postcards. Cheers, Thuha

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Hi @hagimomiao, I just noticed this meetup and was planning to go to the ceremony. It might be too late for me to reserve any meetup cards, but was hoping I could get 2 of each design! (4 total)

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Richard42 is coming with me. I do not see him on the going list