24 April 2021 Latin America Virtual Meetup!

:world_map:Latin America
:pushpin:Zoom Link
:alarm_clock:April 24th 2021, 2:00 PM CDT (Chicago/Houston/Central, USA) - Time Difference Calculator
:page_facing_up:Look Below

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the novel and first Latin American Virtual Meetup! Considering that the pandemic is still outside, I think that this will be a great experience for all of us who are stuck at home.

So, how is it going to work?

Well, this will be a virtual meetup. I’ll send a postcrossing forum message about 2-3 hours before the start of the meetup with a zoom link. About 5-10 minutes the meetup time arrives, I will open zoom and everyone will be able to join. Please make user that you have set up a microphone and (preferable) a webcam.

Once in the zoom room, please change your name to your “name, location, postcrossing username.” We will then introduce ourselves and show our favorite postcards that we’ve received from around the world. Afterwards, we will just talk about random postcrossing topics, or anything anyone wants to talk about.

About languages…As many languages are spoken in Latin America (Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, Creole, Quechua, Mapudungun, etc.), we will try to find the best lingua franca for everyone. As of now, the meetup will be conducted in either English or Spanish, depending on what will make the best common language. However, if you need help if language will become a barrier, let me know and I will do my best to accommodate anyone. I will also try to make captions available for those who are hard of hearing.

What about the cards?

I’ve included the card designs, front and back (subject to change), in the post below. You may print the design out onto cardstock or postcard paper and send it. I will also try to create a map with everyone’s location (countries) to print on the back of the cards.

However, not everyone can print out their own cards. If that’s the case, I’m also going to print out copies and send batches of them (probably 5 postcards per batch) to anyone who needs it. If you’d like some, just PM me and I’ll add you on a list. The only caveat is that if you receive a batch, please consider swapping with me a postcard from your country/area.

What do I need to do?

If you plan to attend, please message me with your name, postcrossing name, where you’re from, and what language you’re comfortable speaking/understanding. Also, please let me know if you’d like a batch of postcards mailed to you.

Message me with any questions! Can’t wait to make this a reality!

Edit: This event is open to anyone and everyone! :smile:


I like to join this meeting pls if possible <3
For me also English

@juytters @Mieke1985

I like to join.

Speak english, I am from the Netherlands.

Greetings Exploradora73

I would love to join too and from The Netherlands as well if that’s possoble. I do speak English.

I would love to join!:hugs:
Sending you a private message soon.
All the best,
Antonella from Italy🇮🇹

Lovely, I would like to join as well! Date is noted!
I can do either English or Spanish. Thank you :slight_smile:

I’d like to join too :slight_smile: I’ll send you a message with my details. I would love if it were in Spanish, but obviously English would work for me too.

Cool idea! Thanks for hosting.
Spanish, English or Portuguese would be ok for me.

Please: where have uou take the pic of the postcard? I’m curious.

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I think it would be nice to be present at the online meeting!
It’s my first online meeting, i like the idea that it is now international.
Which normally wouldn’t be possible for me anytime soon, but now it is online.

as i understand can we use your meeting card design to have our meeting cards printed?
the meeting is 2 in the afternoon, and with us it is then 8 in the evening?

I’m Linda from the Netherlands and i’m speak English

Amazing idea.

Jennyfer Assis / @JennyAssis
United Kingdom
English/ Portuguese / Spanish.

Of course, I would like a batch of postcards and also send a postcard for you.

Daniel, Nice to hear from you! I don’t see the option to elect “going”. So here goes my RSVP. I’m definitely attending your meetup and I would like to order some of your beautiful meetup postcard. Please let me know how.


I am curious as well Daniel!

Hmmmm. I enabled it so people could RSVP…But no worries, I got you!

Updated the time and time zone… Just to be clear, it would be at 2:00 in the afternoon in Chicago/Houston time. That should now be CDT.

Here’s a time difference calculator already set! Just put you location and it’ll convert.

I’d love to attend! This would be my first meetup, and thank yiu for making it open to everyone. Sending you aa pm!

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Just updating my RSVP to note that I’ll print my own cards :slight_smile: thank you again for organizing! Looking forward to it!

I will be joining :slight_smile:
thanx for pinning the time calculator, it comes in handy :slight_smile: :blush:

I’m in barring unforeseen circumstances!


I’d like to join as well. I’m from Norway.
English will work for me :smiley:

I like this meetup card, how can I SWAP with you? From Hefei,China. thanks