23 March 2024, Bremerton, WA Meetup

Hello! I’d like 20 cards for the meetup. I’m visiting from California and before the meetup I’m running a 5K run at the UW. I’ll pay cash at the event area. Look forward to meeting you!

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@onlyonemrabe82 I have 20 cards reserved for you. See you there!

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May i reseve 20 postcards please? All applogies regarding late order but i was just informed about the meet-up. Thank you in advance!

Hello everybody! The cards have been ordered! All of them are spoken for. For anyone wishing to pre-pay for their cards, my venmo account is @azalienator. Please write your postcrossing username in the comment for the payment so I know who to attribute it to. Pre-payment is not required - it is also totally fine to bring cash to the meetup on the day of, or pay with venmo on the day of. It’s all coming together - see you guys in a couple weeks!

I always send myself a meetup card from every meetup that I attend. A simple way to collect everyone’s signatures/stamps. :slight_smile:


I won’t be attending. I edited my rsvp and don’t need my cards. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Would love to come - I live on Capitol Hill in Seattle, so an easy ferry ride.
Would like to buy 20 meetup cards, if they are still available.
Have been ot one meetup before, it was fun. Rich

I am a maybe but I really want to go to this one. I will check back tomorrow and let you know if I will make it.

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Venmo is not taking the Venmo name you listed. Can we double check it? Thanks. Seachange

Hi everyone! I collect meetup postcards and would love to swap for this one! I have this one available.

Hello :wave:
I love this spring card :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Is it possible to swap? I am from Poland.
Big hugs, Joanna

For anyone having issues with venmo, use this link:

This link has been tested, but if it doesn’t work please let me know.

We’re getting closer! I’m excited to see everyone on Saturday :slight_smile:

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Question! Does anyone know what to expect in terms of ferry traffic on the Seattle–Bremerton ferry on a Saturday? We’re driving on, so I don’t want to end up in a huge line and miss it! We expect to arrive at the Seattle terminal around 9:20. Will that be enough time for the 10:00 ferry?

Just paid! See you tomorrow! :clap:t4::clap:t4:

@welikesarah I would recommend checking the wadot website before you leave, they have cameras up that show the waiting area and will also tell you how many spots are available on that ferry. I would suspect arriving at 9:20 would be plenty of time for the 10:00, but it’s been a while since I’ve driven on, so my info might not be up to date.

See everybody tomorrow!

Thank you so much—got the app! :slight_smile:

I won’t be able to go after all. Could you cancel my reservation for postcards, sorry for late notice. Hope everyone has a great time!

If there’s anymore postcards I’d love to buy. I just found the meetup last week. See you all today!

@Caroline212 I bought 10 and won’t be able to make it today. You are welcome to collect mine, already paid for. No need to reimburse, maybe you could send me one? I’m so sad to miss it.

Thank you @azalienator for putting on the event. If you could give my cards to Caroline212 I’d appreciate it.

I’ll send you some postcards. You can private message your address. :blush: