22 April 2023 - Sisi's Meetup in Vienna - 169th Anniversary of the Coronation

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Vienna
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Stephansplatz/Stephansdom
:calendar: DATE: 22.04.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00 a.m. GMT+1
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

10:00 a.m.: gathering at Stephansplatz at the “Graben” subway exit // in front of the “Zara” shop and taking a 5-minute walk to the “Time Travel - Magic Vienna History Tour” in Habsburgergasse 10A in the 1st district of Vienna (see the photo below) :eye:

10:30 a.m.: the show “Time Travel” or “Sisi’s Amazing Journey”
As we have different interests in this area, I am unable to order a group ticket for all. Some of us are happy to go to Time Travel, others to Sisi’s Journey, others to both shows, which of course should be respected. For this reason, I would ask you to book your tickets online on your own for 10:30 a.m. on 22.04.2023, so that we can all enter together and perhaps wait for each other for a while after the show and then move on to the next stage of our meeting. TIME TRAVEL takes 50 minutes, SISI’S AMAZING JOURNEY - 30-40 minutes. If you want to see both, consider coming earlier and meet the rest of the Postcrossers after the show :slight_smile:
Tickets can be ordered here: Einzeltickets - Time Travel Vienna

11:30-12:00 noon: buying postcards at Stephansplatz :sunglasses:

12:00 noon: boarding the line U1 subway train in the direction of Leopoldau, getting off at Kagran station and walking to the restaurant :metro: don’t forget to buy a ticket! and don’t worry about the FFP2 masks - the obligation ended on the 1st of March, 2023

12:30 p.m.: meal and stamping of postcards in the restaurant “Sisi Bräu” in Westfield Donau Zentrum, Wagramer Str. 79/Top 604, in the 22nd district of Vienna :clinking_glasses:

The leading Topic: 24th of April - 169th anniversary of Empress Elisabeth’s of Austria coronation

The gathering spot:

The meetup postcard propositions (already at my home and they are a bit darker):

By the second project (Manga Sisi) all rights of the author are reserved. The picture was designed and signed by SassySnitch.

From this place I would love to thank @Daisy169 for the ideas for the meeting’s plan :heart:
And guys, don’t feel obligated to participate in all of the parts of this plan. You can join anytime, just let me know when exactly you would like to come :slight_smile:

The participants list:

  1. Vessuvia :poland: :austria:
  2. Daisy169 :austria:
  3. Luckystarshine :austria:
  4. gurkensuppe :de:
  5. Robin67 :austria:
  6. honeybee :austria:
  7. kristinchyk :austria:
  8. Meixi :austria:
  9. ooma :austria:
  10. radiohead92 :austria:
  11. SchwesterSusi :austria:
  12. tinilu :austria:
  13. paladru :austria:
  14. Bock :austria:
  15. a non-postcrosser (R67)
  16. wiota :austria:
  17. amaterasu98 :austria:
  18. sophie99 :austria:
  19. a non-postcrosser (JM) :de:
  20. Eva_h :austria:
  21. a non-postcrosser (OS) :poland:
  22. FallenAngel144 :austria:
  23. a non-poscrosser (Ve) :poland: :austria:

Hi from Germany :heart_eyes: The Sisi Meetup sounds very cool. I would love to attend the Meetup!


Awesome! You’re on the list!


How cool! :sunglasses:!!!

I would love to take part, please!

At the restaurant for sure! :smile:


Great idea! :smiley: Please put me on the list of participants,


pls add me.I like to come
Will not go to Time Travel, meet you 11:30 Stephansplatz


Please put me on the list, it would be awesome to participate! :sunglasses:


Very cool idea, I like to join please.


Please put me on the list as well! Thank you!


Hi all,
Is there anyone for a possible swap with a postcard from an Italian meetup or other?

I am interested a manga Sisi :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks :slight_smile:


Please add me with “maybe” on the list. Thank you!


Thanks, I found an exchange

My offer for a swap:

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Have you found someone for the exchange?

@ooma Then let’s meet here :slight_smile: the first spot with postcards and probably the cheapest one :sunglasses:


swap found

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Likely order date of the meetup postcards at the printer shop: 19.03.2023 // Voraussichtliches Bestelldatum bei der Druckerei: 19.03.2023


Hallo zusammen,
ich möchte einen Kartentausch anfragen. Interesse habe ich an der ersten Karte und kann im Gegenzug eine MeetUp Karte von einem Treffen, ebenfalls am 22.04., oder auch gerne eine andere anbieten. Schreibt mich gerne per PM an, ich würde mich freuen. :blush:


Liebe Grüße, Zandy

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sounds great. Please put me on the list with “maybe”!


looking for


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I am looking for someone to swap for the second design. Is there someone😀

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