11 February 2023 - The Valentine's Day Meetup - real thing!

Vielen Dank für eure schönen Meetingkarten, habe heute 4 in meinem Postkasten gefunden, danke an Anita, Anna, Christian und Karl - in alphabetischer Reihenfolge :grin:

und heute noch danke an Eva und Sabrina!


Thank you for your cards, danke @honeybee und @chrisgri and all who signed/stamped/left their mark. Sounds like you had a great day. Read you, see you, sometime, somewhere


hello| someone wuold swap with my s. valentino meetup on genova?
thank you very much

Vielen lieben Dank @honeybee für die Karte. Ich hoffe ihr hattet eine schöne Zeit.

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Vielen Dank für die Karten von unserem Meeting an @chrisgri und @haweiup !
Ich hab sie schon am Dienstag bekommen :slight_smile:

Hallo Anna,
ebenfalls vielen herzlichen Dank für deine meeting-Karte, sie war auch schon Dienstag in meinem Postkasten.
Ich wünsche dir alles Gute mit lieben Grüßen aus Wien

Hello there. Is there someone who want to swap with me? I love the card with the woman and the red heart.

Vielen Dank für die schöne Meetingkarte @honeybee

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Big THANK you @Danube for your Valentines day Meetup card, and also to all who signed.


Thanks a lot to @honeybee for the nice meeting card, with nice decorations, matching stamp and a nice special postmark. :smiley::+1:
Thanks for thinking of me. :slightly_smiling_face::heartpulse:

It’s been a while since I have last heard from you. I hope all is well with you. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Thank you very much @honeybee @chrisgri @Danube for the meeting cards :heart:

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I am happy to add an additional Dankesehr an @Meixi and @daisy169 whose cards found my box these days. I am sure your day was lovely (given alone the cards ,-))

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Many thanks to Zuzana (zuzulik) and everyone who signed the lovely meeting card which I received today. Very nice stamp too :grinning:


Dear honeybee, Thank you so so much for your beautiful card! Such a good turnout! I really appreciate your greeting in Norwegian as well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Stay safe :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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If you won’t find anyone who could swap the card from the Valentine’s Meetup with you, which could actually be quite difficult now, check this:
Sisi's Meetup in Vienna - 169th Anniversary of the Coronation
and maybe you’ll find the postcards there interesting. It will surely be easier to swap :slight_smile:

If you won’t find anyone who could swap the card from the Valentine’s Meetup with you, which could actually be quite difficult now, check this:
Sisi’s Meetup in Vienna - 169th Anniversary of the Coronation
and maybe you’ll find the postcards there interesting. It will surely be easier to swap :slight_smile:

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Danke an Julia @ollah4 für die Überraschungskarte von der Meeting-Lotterie, wie witzig, dass wir uns gegenseitig gezogen haben :smile:

I would be interested in this card.
In exchange, I can offer you two kinds of Advent and one kind of New Year meeting cards from Hungary.
If you’re interested in a trade, please PM me and I’ll show you the cards.

@tv2qtya Hello!
The meeting took place over a year ago. I doubt anyone has the postcard yet, unless somebody contacted you privately. You can try and ask the designer @honeybee, if she still has one.
Have a good day!