22 April 2023 Meetup in Ulsteinvik

I hate that they are sooo strict about carry-on luggage nowadays ugh. You end up paying for checked luggage when all you want is a proper carry-on suitcase. Might end up with checked luggage just because they are forcing me to pay for it anyway :crazy_face:

Anyway, so it looks like we are saying Norwegian 08.15 on Friday and SAS at 17.35 on Sunday?

@notme1978 Are you designing a meetup card for this? Looks like a beautiful place, so should have potential meetup-card-wise :wink:

Yes, if that’s fine with everyone. Hopefully I won’t wait for the bus for over an hour.

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No i havent designed any meetup card. A bit blond how to design a card with the logo, and where to order them. Though i could easily find any photos to use for the card, just havent designed a postcard before.

Oh, another thing. There is a red mailbox outside (on the upside) of the shopping center called blåhuset. And there is a post in store inside blåhuset at the grocery store Mega.
Norli at amfisenteret sells postcards. Ive talked to the person who runs the store there. Unfortunaelly they dont have any postcards of Ulsteinvik, only other postcards, like Geiranger, etc.

You can use Vistaprint. @KAS is a happy member there😊

Vistaprint has a really easy design tool, so I recommend that. You don’t need to upload a finished design. You upload the pictures you want to use, the logo, etc, and add pictures and text in their tool.

Postcrossing’s logo kit with the logo and rules for logo usage is here.


How long deliver time is on vistaprint? And do i have to pay any toll or anything when ordering? And how meet up cards are normal to order?

There’s no toll or extra VAT or anything, it’s like any Norwegian web shop. Economy shipping is 10 days, regular around 5 and they offer express as well.

I usually request orders before ordering, normally end up ordering 100 or 250.

One more dumb question. Do i need to have the postcrossing logo on any meet up cards? OR is it enough just to write meet up + place and date?

Hehe you can make exactly the kind of cards you want. With or without the Postcrossing logo is up to you. (Just note the usage rules if you do use it.) Most people add the logo, see various meetup cards in meetup threads and on people’s walls.

Hotel booked! :smiley:

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So i made a quick card, and not used the logo. And have blank backside. So what you all think?

and i had to take a photo of the card eith my phpne, since i couldnt figure out how to save it on my computer lol. Hopefully it works finne when trying to add it on here.

Nice :grinning:

I would like to order 20 cards, please.

I would like to order 20 meetup cards😊

Very nice!
10 cards for me please! :+1:

15 for me please

10 cards for me! :smiley:

Slow with replying here (been busy at work). Noted down everyone on cards.
Now to another stupid question, do i need to set a deadline for the cards, or can i just order them now? And when i get the cards, do i send them to you all? Or do i bring them with me to the meet up, and give it to you then? having a blonde moment here lol