22 April 2023 - Meetup in Girona

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Girona, Catalonia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: At the sculpture “Cul de la Lleona” (Plaça de Sant Feliu, 17004, Girona)
:calendar: DATE: 22nd April 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00 a.m. (GMT+2)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Join us for a half day meetup in Girona, where we will take a beautiful stroll around its old town, write some postcards and get lunch together!

10:00 h Meeting at “Cul de la Lleona” sculpture. :wave:

10:30 h Walk around the beautiful old town of Girona. We will stop at some places where you can buy some postcards. :walking_woman:t5:

12:00 h Write postcards together and have fun. :writing_hand:t3:

14:00 h Lunch time (optional). Let’s keep chatting around some food! We will have lunk at Savoy (C/Nou, 3, 17001 Girona), where there will be 2 menus available: 18 € (2 courses + desert + drink) or 14 € (1 course + desert + drink). To those who would like to join us for the meal, please let us know before the 17th of April. :fork_and_knife:

We have designed a special meeting card. Please let us know how many postcards you would like. Each postcard will cost 0,40 €.

We hope to see you soon!

1/ Glòria (@gloriaribugent), 15 postcards, lunch: yes
2/ Roser, 5 postcards, lunch: no
3/ Yam (@yampadres), 25 postcards, lunch: yes
4, 5, 6/ Jordi, Mica, Mar (@StampJJ), 15 postcards, lunch: yes
7/ Jordi (@nitram13), 30 postcards, lunch: yes
8/ Irusya (@Irenochka), 50 postcards, lunch: yes
9, 10, 11/ Dolores, Nora, Clara (@Loli-ts), 15 postcards, lunch: yes
12, 13/ Belen, friend (@belen1975), 10 postcards, lunch: yes
14, 15/ Treasure, JuanMa (@Treasure), 20 potcards, lunch: yes
16/ Ramon (@rorga), 10 postcards, lunch: yes
17/ Daniela (@Emchen), 25 postcards, lunch: yes


I’D like to know

How to get there

There are trains coming from Barcelona. There are also buses from the little villages around.

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Glòria, jo vindré a la trobada, agafaré 25 postals i em quedo al dinar.

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Fantastic! See you there


Perfecte! T’apunto. Encara no hem decidit on serà el dinar, però quan sapiguem més o menys la gent que som farem una proposta.

hello, i like your postcard, can we swap?
these are my offers


Me encantaría intercambiar!! Os dejo por aquí mi álbum :two_hearts::blush:

hello, someone would like swap with me? thank you very much

Is any one interest for swap with a meetup card from UAE, please DM

Hi Glòria I’ll also come, I will need 50 postcards and I will be there for lunch as well.
See you soon, Jordi

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Ciao Stefano, sono Yam. Io ci vado a Girona. Si vuoi possiamo scambiare una cartolina. Guardando le tue a me piace la prima, dove si vedono i fiori e l’acqua. Dammi il tuo indirizzo per direct message.
A presto, Yam

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Hi usman
I’ll be at the meetup in Girona. If you want I’ll send the postcard
Could you send me your address?


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Hey there) I would like to participate as well, lunch is a good option for me, I will need 50 postcards as well

Hi Irusya,
Thank you for your interest, I have just written your name on the list. Please, let me know if you need more information on how to get to the place.
I am looking forward to meeting you!

Hola, Gloria: I hope to join the meetup, with my daughters Nora (Norucha) and Clara (Clareta), and we’ll stay with you for lunch. May you put apart 10 postcards for us, please? :slight_smile:
I hope the list shall be longer when I told it to other Catalan postcrosser friends.

I´ll go. How Can I sign up? I have several food intolerances, I need to know the restaurant’s menu to know if I can eat something there or not. I need certain foods and prepared in a certain way. because it may have been in contact or processed with foods that are prohibited for me. I would like to have 10 cards.

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Hola, Dolores @Loli-ts i Belen @belen1975,
Gràcies per l’interès, ja us hi he apuntat! Ben aviat us farem la proposta per dinar i penjarem el menú, que espero que us vagi bé.

Fins aviat!

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Buenas Julia

Me gustaría cambiar la postal de el meetup de Girona por la del meetup de Sevilla