2024 Australia Post stamp bulletin

It’s new Bulletin day!

Although it’s a pretty slim edition…


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I’m looking forward to the Shared Table issue. Those food stamps look great.

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I really like how they join together to make a single image.

Saving people the click through…


Yes! I love stamps like that. I just saw they also have maxicards. I’m definitely going to order some. The set reminded me of a similar USPS one in 2014:


MAN my hopes were so high for a second there, seeing the Australians in Space coins… Auspoooost if you’re listening, can we get a maxicard with that theme? :angel:

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Lovely se-tenant stamp set! :smile:

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I wonder if it’s so thin as the issues are drying up in preparation for the rate rise?

That’s my fear as well.

wait, when’s the rate raise? :smiling_face_with_tear:

We’re always close to the next one :melting_face:

They’ve proposed an increase to $1.50 for domestic but no date yet

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oh no, I’ve only just started postcrossing so I’m glad I didn’t go out and buy a tonne of stamps, especially with how many prepaid cards there are
does anyone buy stamps ahead of time or is it better to buy them as you need them, in case it rises?
although I guess you can always add a 30c stamp

There’s a consultation on about the price increase (which is still technically only a proposal) until Thursday - I’m going to write a submission. See the link for info: ACCC consultation link.

International stamp rates rose in July last year (postcards are possibly $3 (or $3.30 with domestic stamps), my local PO thinks so but opinions are split as to whether it is technically correct) so they are unlikely to rise again for a while.

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Thank you! That’s super informative!
Just to double check, this is just domestic stamps increasing, right?
And when it comes to international stamps increasing (when they eventually do again), all prepaid cards bought before a price increase will still be valid, right? And does this mean prepaid cards will probably cost more too?

All prepaid cards will still be valid — even the very first ones released in 1988 are still valid, although most are from 1990 onwards.

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Hopefully we’ll be getting a Bulletin with some April releases at some point! I also really like the Shared Table release but I think the Asian food section is kind of funny and maybe could have been better done — white rice with 2 prawns and a leaf of pak choi? :joy:


In terms of prepaid maxicards I think they will increase in cost if domestic stamps increase. From what I’ve seen maxicards have been priced by the same formula for at least the past 10 years: the price of a pack being the sum of all the stamps on the cards + 75c per card. So as many maxis use domestic stamps they would increase too


Oh wow, I don’t know why but it didn’t click with me that higher value stamps increase the maxicard cost, which makes total sense, but I was looking at the price difference between sets like the $9.70 Beautiful Cities set of 2 and the sets of 3 for $5.85 and just assumed it had something to do with the quality of the card, haha
Thanks for the answers everyone! There’s so much to learn

Really glad about the Norfolk Island ones. I’ll probably be back there again this year and would like to use something that’s not a bird or a plant or whatever else they’ve been recently.

I really wish they’d do a Norfolk Island Maxicard some day though.


Could I get in early on a request from when you’re there? :rofl: I’m jealous! Never been to/recieved cards from the territories of Aus yet, unless you count Kangaroo Island? :stuck_out_tongue: I do eventually want to send for an Australian Antarctic Territory card… :heart_eyes:

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