2023 Australian Stamp Bulletin chat

I’m a fan of Nolan’s work so I like the AAT maxis. The eclipse and travel posters are great too. A good month for purchases. :sunglasses:


Indeed a very good bulletin!
I also liked the aerogram!
Didn’t know they still issue these…

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Talking about aerogrammes, I happen to have a couple of old ones. Does anyone know if these are still acceptable by the Australian Post??

I can’t confirm if AusPost will take them but I’m happy to swap something for your aerogramme!

If you’re open to the idea please let me know and I will send a PM

They are still usable! I bought a batch of old ones (because AusPost only sells one design at a time and I didn’t like the last one — although I LOVE the new cockatoo) and have been sending them to a penpal in the UK with no troubles.

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With only 70 cents on the stamp imprint, this old aerogramme would have to have a fair bit of postage added in order for it to be postally used overseas. It is pretty obvious that in its present form you could not even use it to send domestically!

I’ll be getting these 2 100%. The Eclipse ones are so pretty, and I don’t have any Lion King stamps!


Well… I made it look good!
Stamped, typed and ready


New stamp bulletin has finally dropped! I’ve been stalking the page for days!! Love the jellyfish. And quite like the spiders too.


@Tinkatutu , the jelly fish and spiders are both great, and the extinct mammals too.

In the new pre-paid postcards, here’s a UNESCO site (always useful):


After the disappointment of the first ones listed being (yawn) motor racing, the rest of the bulletin was a pleasant surprise.

(We had Peter Brock six months ago, then racing cars included in the sporting themed one in March. I guess it’s a popular theme or they wouldn’t return to it, but it bores me).


I love the extinct mammals cards too!

And that Bungle Bungle card is beautiful. Thanks for the heads-up.

Are you surprised that there is nothing Coronation-wise? I kinda imagined there would be something…?

Yes, actually! I forgot to check for the Coronation. Had thought they’d do a memorial one for QEII as well.

Had also been thinking we were due for the ‘Queens Birthday’ cards, but presumably those will come out in November now, which is Charles’ birthday.

I don’t think Charles cards will be as popular as Elizabeth.



And like you, I’m also unenthused about all the car racing we’ve been having.


I like the art cards and sustainability illustrations. I do like the extinct mammal drawings but it is a bit sad that it reminds me that extinction is forever, as far as we know.

I hope they get the Bungle Bungle card in. I’ve been on the notify list for about 2 months. I have some of the others, the Perth skyline is stunning.

As for the Coronation, they may still do some cards after they have some pics of the evemt.

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I was pleasantly surprised with all of them except the car racing :yawning_face:

But disappointed to see nothing about the Coronation or Queen… or no international $3 stamp! :smiling_face_with_tear:


and i do like motor racing :racing_car: but i’m not so keen on those legends - cards nor stamps to be honest

i know cars were overdone last year but the holden brand has been retired so no more holdens and then there was the last time the holdens raced in the supercar series last year - it’ll be a very different look now for the australian supercar series

and of course 50 years since brocky first won at mount panorama
they’re all quite significan in our history

sure there are die hard fans of ford, but ford was/is not ‘australian’ - the last ford was made in au in 2016 and they continue to be manufactured overseas and still sold here - so a different scenario to holden…

now they’re done you may not see motor racing for a while!

personally i was hoping for an arty or literature legends, or maybe some environmental heroes

there is quite the mix of themes in these upcoming releases - though i do wish that the christmas island caves and the norfolk island botanical gardens had maxicards oin the release


I’m bored by the obsession with Disney :crazy_face:

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I’m not sure that the date for the Monarch’s birthday will change. It was originally set for George 111 back in the day

The holiday won’t change - it’s already listed on government sites as the King’s Birthday, in June.

But the annual stamp release for ERII’s birthday came out in April, same time as her actual b’day (21 April).

Stalking the new stamp bulletin daily here…but in the mean time the Oz Post shop has dropped these little tidbit clues for me to feast on!