20 May 2023 - San Diego, CA meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: San Diego, California
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive, San Diego, CA 92122
:calendar: DATE: May 20, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: start at 13:15
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

You are invited to meet a group of friendly local postcrossers, we’d love to see new faces. We plan to chat, sign postcards, play a game or a raffle, share the joy of postcrossing and have a good time together.

We’ll meet in the community room within the library. RSVP is required to make sure everyone has a seat.

Meetup postcard:

There will be a meetup postcard printed. The cost will likely be 23 cents per card, preorders are open until May 4. After preorders close, first come first served basis for the remaining cards I’ll have left. Limited number of postcards from previous meetups will be available to purchase at the meetup. You’re welcome to bring any other postcard you want to have signed by the meetup attendees.

This time the postcard is themed around a history/aviation fact connected to San Diego. On May 20, 1927, Charles Lindbergh took off for first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic and the plane was designed and manufactured in San Diego.

Payment instructions:
23 cents per postcard is confirmed, please pay via venmo (@martinora) or paypal (paypal.me/martinora). Please send it as a payment to friends, otherwise a fee is deducted. Alternatively, exact cash at the meetup, but e-payments are preferred.

What to optionally bring:

  • username rubber stamp if you have one (the smaller the better, self-inking tend to dry quickly preventing ink smudging) or pens to sign postcards

  • postcards/stickers/washi tapes or whatever you want to share. There will be a Trash and treasure box. Your unwanted postcards may be someone else’s treasure.

  • postcards, homemade card, mailart or other relevant items to show&tell

  • snacks/drink for you or to share. Plates, cups, cutlery, napkins will be provided

  • contributions to game/raffle prizes are welcome

Swap requests: I personally am not interested in swaps, but post your request in the comments for other meetup participants

Looking forward to seeing you at the meetup!


Sorry I can’t make this event, but I would be interested in a few post cards. My daughter is a pilot so the airplane theme is cool.

Hi David! It’s a pity you can’t make it this time. We usually meet twice a year, you can keep an eye on the meetup category here on forum for the autumn meetup or I can send you a message notification before the next meetup if you like (let me know if you do). How many postcard would you like?

Sure, thanks for keeping me posted. No pun intended! Please put me down for 4 postcards. Thanks.

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RSVP-ing here. I am finally able to reply to forum posts. Thank you for organizing!

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Looking forward to attending my first meetup! I’d love to order 10 postcards please.

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Is anybody interested in swapping a meet up card with me? :slight_smile:
Here is my offer: Meet up cards for swap | Flickr

Shame I won’t be in SD until Memorial Day :frowning: but I am interested in getting a few cards :slight_smile: I’d like to order 10 please.

What a great meetup card!

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This sounds wonderful! I would love to attend (my first postcrossing meetup!) and preorder 20 cards please. Thank you:)

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Hi Liana, looking forward to meeting you! Postcards will be ready for you

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Hi, I’m exited to attend my first Postcrossing meetup! I would like 50 postcards. I look forward to meeting some fellow San Diegans :slight_smile:

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Welcome, it’s great you can make it to the meetup! Postcards will be waiting for you there

Hello! I would like to RSVP for the meetup!

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Happy to see you again at the meetup! Do you want to order postcards ahead? I’ll have limited amount of cards at the meetup

Yes, I would like to order 10 of them please!

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I’m stoked for my first meetup! I’ll be bringing my husband but he’ll be an NPC, since we’re coming from another event–hope that’s ok! What do people usually contribute for the raffle?

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Thank you for letting me know, I’ll count your husband in, there are still a few spots open.
For the prizes, anything postal/stationery related would be great. Usually postcards, postcard books, stamps, washi tapes, sticker sets, pen set; we also had Forever stamps puzzle, cute snail mail holder, postcard stands…


Oh wonderful! Thank you for counting him in and thank you for all of the ideas!! I just ordered my self inking stamp!

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Hello! I would love to attend. Can I also get 12 postcards please?

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