18+ images - removing or protecting them

In many conservative countries it is. Since this is a world platform and not Europe countries only, we can accommodate everyone


Iā€™m honestly now very curious about this deleted image :joy:

Sometimes, I feel a bit unsure about if certain cards are even allowed. There are many cards on this site that depict fully-nude people which sometimes could be classified as softcore pornography (in my eyes), but are not deleted.

These types of images donā€™t bother me, but I do wonder what a 10 year old kid who uses this site might think. Then again, I would assume/hope that the childā€™s guardian is monitoring their computer usage and could have an open conversation about these types of topics - then again, not all cultures or families think to discuss these topics with their children. But thatā€™s no longer Postcrossingā€™s problem if people do not want to be open about certain topics.


I remember this.
It was a photo of a man wearing speedo but it only shows the speedo part, not the whole body.
And the pen1s inside the speedo is hard :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Why are you assuming only about nude women? :wink:

I personally think things are okay as they are currently. But I do sometimes think the idea of nudity being as seen as a form of art or beauty sometimes turns into pure pornography/eroticism for some people on this site.

There are some people here that seem to only collect postcards of nude people and to me, that almost seems a bit weird on a family-friendly site that promotes learning about cultures and other people.
But I guess that is another sort of conversation all together. And I guess not something that could be regulated without getting rid of cards showing nudity whatsoever (which I donā€™t agree with). Anywaysā€¦


As usual the conversation is veering off topic, letā€™s try to avoid unpleasant comments about countries or the people who live in them. The US also has lots of big farms but it would be silly to assume we are all farmers, if you get my point.


You are right, Izzy2018. Of course my statement was exaggerated and had lot of sarcasm.
But the point is, to say she can not show postcrossing to her kids, because of the pictures of naked persons, is not a point for me, because the whole internet and real life is full of nudity, which children would see anyway.


Someone once sent a card showing topless women on a beach to my nephew. His profile explained he was 8ā€¦his mom was angry and threw the card away before he saw it. It was very inappropriate to send that to a child. The simple solution is to send adult cards only to adults who ask for them.


But, here all happened who itā€™s supposed? Someone looks after a childā€™s profile, right?
And maybe the adult reported the card?
But, it can be the sender didnā€™t even read the profile, as we are not required to do.

Those above photos :smile: the lowers ones are not types of nudes Iā€™ve seen here.
I was more talking like the upper ones.

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All of them are from here :laughing:

I think most members realize there are cultural differences. Most know that Americans are very uncomfortable with public nudityā€¦many nations more so than us. So the safe choice would be to only send adult themed cards to adults who specifically ask for them. There are a zillion other nice card topics to mail out instead


I think the first two are okay to be shown, both here and on the main site.

I do not think you should be posting the second two here, and if they are still up on the main site, itā€™s probably because no one has reported them yet. Think about it, if you wish you didnā€™t see them, why subject the rest of us to them? :laughing:

I think this thread is for discussing 18+ images, not for sharing them :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Well, I once reported a profile and got zero answer. So Iā€™m not eager to waste my time again.
In the end I simply decided to consider this site 18+, certainly not 13+.


If you donā€™t want to send nude cards, fine. Full stop, no judgment.

If you want to send nude cards, fine ā€“ just send them to people who explicitly ask for them.

If you donā€™t want to receive nude cards, fine ā€“ but itā€™s always sendersā€™ choice. Thereā€™s a risk anytime you invite a stranger to send you mail.

If you donā€™t want to see nude cards, this isnā€™t the site for you.

(Disclaimer that Iā€™m conflating ā€œ18+ā€ with nudity. I think violence should be more adult/taboo than naked body parts, but the flagged cards all seem to fall into the latter group)


Yeah, from scale 1 to 100 cards, how high your chance to get a postcard showing nudity anyways~ lol

Iā€™m sure those who get postcards showing nudity are those profiles that state they are ok with it, or they want them


I donā€™t know if you do Halloween in Europe but in the US skeletons are part of both Halloween and Days of the Dead. I assume it was sent for the holiday. Even kids dress up in skeleton costume for trick or treating. That is very different from nudity

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Again, I removed a bunch of flagged posts from this topic which did not improve the conversation. Remember to keep friendly and respectful here.


I donā€™t think the concern is about sending nudes to kids or adults who donā€™t want them. And while nudity isnā€™t inherently sexual, I have seen lots of images that are sexually suggestive, and even some that are explicit. And if Iā€™ve encountered them while casually browsing the galleries or when being given the addresses of members with favorite walls full of explicit content, then I have no doubt that children have been exposed to not just nudity, but explicit content. So the situation isnā€™t as simple as ā€œdonā€™t send nudes to kids,ā€ and I think Postcrossing would suffer more from banning kids than banning nude images.


Agree there are two separate issues: 1. sendersā€™ etiquette for sending nudes, and 2. whether PC as a platform should do something to filter/ban/discourage nudes.

I never said anything about banning kids. I said this platform in its current state has nudity, and avoiding it is not possible ā€“ exactly what youā€™re saying about the galleries of explicit content. And you donā€™t think #1 is an issue, but thereā€™s a comment above from @Izzy2018 that calls out a specific incident.

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