17 Nov. 2023 - How does it work? Meeting in Vienna Letter Center in 1000

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Vienna
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Briefzentrum Wien 1000, 1230 Wien, Halban-Kurz-Straße 11
:calendar: DATE: 17.11.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

14:00 Gathering at the gate to the Vienna Brief Center (parking space in the post office area) - please check the address above :smiling_face:
14:30 Guided tour of the Vienna Brief Center (free of charge)
15:30 The tour ends and we move to the restaurant “Karl-Wirt”
15:45 Enjoying a late lunch, stamping postcards and gossiping with other postcrossers :wink: at the restaurant “Karl-Wirt”, Ketzergasse 155, Perchtoldsdorf (the crossroads of Ketzergasse and Brunnerstraße)

The chief organiser: @chrisgri

This time we will find out what happens to our postcards after they are dropped in the mailbox or left at the post office. I am very curious, how about you? Ah, all that logistics…

Important: it is recommended to arrive by car. Please let us know if you are able and willing to take passengers with you, both ways or even just one way. Not everybody has a car, but would love to join the tour and the meeting. We need to help each other a little this time. Thank you in advance.

The participants list:

  1. :red_car: chrisgri :austria:
  2. honeybee :austria:
  3. paladru :austria:
  4. :racing_car: Meixi :austria:
  5. Meixi’s plus-one
  6. :blue_car: haweiup :austria:
  7. Vessuvia :poland:
  8. ChrStroh :austria:
  9. Bock :austria:
  10. radiofan :austria:
  11. :pickup_truck: Danube :austria:
  12. Luckystarshine :austria:
  13. Resal :austria:
  14. Kaba1234 :austria:
  15. muumihullu :austria:
  16. :auto_rickshaw: SchwesterSusi :austria:
  17. radiohead92 :austria:
  18. :taxi: ooma :austria:
  19. Windixxie :austria:
  20. Edelweiss :austria:
  21. Katefik :poland:
  22. Herkules :de:
  23. wandafan :austria:
  24. ChrStroh’s Dad :austria:
  25. Wendy190 :austria:
  26. hennaanna91 :czech_republic:
  27. zuzulik :slovakia:
  28. sophie99 :austria:
  29. jofemapa :de:
  30. JennyMcLane :austria:
  31. PaiSen :de:

The reserve list:

  1. ivanamozer :austria:

Only for the Letter Center:

  1. TomGyver
  2. kristinchyk

And here are the themes of our meeting postcards:

The 2nd proposal is the drawing “The Austrian postwoman” (Die österreichische Postbotin) by SassySnitch. All rights reserved.


AMAZING! @Vessuvia , I am 100% coming :slight_smile:

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All thanks and credit go to @chrisgri

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Bin dabei.
Fritz Bock


I want to join you :slight_smile:
Thank you, Christian!


I want to join and can offer car places.


I would like to join :smiley:


It’s awesome @Danube ! Thank you in advance!

Thats great, please count me in :slight_smile:


This looks like the most amazing meetup. I doubt I will come this time as flights are looking like £170 which is a lot for a day, however I’d love to know how do you book this tour, and do they do it in English? I’d love to do it another time.
Also, if there is a meetup postcard for this I would love it very much if you could send one to me! I can exchange for my meeting up in Stonehenge in September.

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Ich bin sehr sehr gerne dabei!!! :grin:

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Ich wäre auch gerne dabei. :love_letter:


Ich bin dabei und komme mit dem Auto. Tolle Idee, danke.


I’m highly interested! Please register me! :slight_smile:


pls register me, i’m coming with car :oncoming_automobile:


Great! @ooma Would you be able to take some passengers with you?


Hi, Jo! Here is the link to the tours around the Letter Center 1000 in English. If it’s not enough, you can also ask ChrisGri, I guess, because he is the one organizing the meeting :slight_smile: If it won’t help either I can call the Letter Center and just ask.

And yes, there will probably be 2 official postcards to this meetup, but we will publish the proposals later. I would be happy to swap with you :slight_smile:


Yes super Awsome :slight_smile: ich freue mich , da bin ich dabei :smiley: liebe Grüsse Sabrina


I will join you (without car)


Hallo Vessuvia!
Kasia (Katefik) :poland: und Heiko (Herkules) :de: planen beim Meeting
in Wien am 17.11.23 dabei zu sein! Könntest Du uns BITTE auf
Listenplatz 21 + 22 setzen! Es sind Postcrosser dabei, wo ich
jetzt auch mal persönlich treffen möchte! Ich (wir) drücken alle
uns verfügbaren Daumen, das es klappt! Bis bald! Herr Kules