15-17 July 2022 - 4. Niedersachsenmeeting 2022 Rulle/Osnabrück

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rulle /Osnabrück
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Klosterstraße 13, 49134 Wallenhorst
:calendar: DATE: 15.7.- 17.7.2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 16.00 Uhr
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Dear postcrossers,

I organized meetup rooms in the youth education centre Haus Maria Frieden in Rulle (a kind of youth hostel) for us from 15.7.- 17.7.2022

Arrival: Friday afternoon (4 PM at the earliest, but you may arrive later)
Departure: Sunday after lunch (approx. 1 PM)

The accommodation would be in double and 3-bed rooms. Single rooms would only be possible with extra charge.

The weekend (full board) costs 95€ in double and 3-bed rooms, single bed rooms cost 25 euros extra. Children get a discount( 75€).

Day guests (July 16) pay 6 euros (including 1 coffee and a piece of cake). Arrival for day guests is around 13:15 o’clock.

About the house:
It is modernly furnished and is therefore suitable for wheelchair users. We have a large group room for card stamping and a smaller one with comfortable armchairs to chill out. It has very good bus connections to Osnabrück, so you are (depending on the bus line) in 20-30 minutes in the centre of Osnabrück. By car it is only about 15 minutes.
My husband offered to pick you up from the train station.

We have 15 rooms but can still increase.

When registering a deposit of 40 euros per person is due (has to be paid in December 2021) as I have to cover potential cancellation fees, the rest is due before June 15, 2022.

If you like to exchange gifts (like “Secret Santa”), you can bring a wrapped gift worth 7€.

IMPORTANT!!! You may plan the weekend as desired, there is no obligation to participate in the program.

Other things you can visit in and around Osnabrück
Osnabrück Zoo, Erich Maria Remarque exhibition, Felix Nussbaum Haus, Cathedral, leisure pool, Botanical Garden, Kunsthalle Osnabrück

Maximal 30 Cent pro Karte

Room Participant
01 @Angel84 :heavy_check_mark: @Pelke :heavy_check_mark:
02 @pne :heavy_check_mark:
03 @mella68 :heavy_check_mark:
04 @Stacheltier68 und Tolga :heavy_check_mark:
05 @ Suncrusher und Andrea :heavy_check_mark:
06 @busy_marie und louis :heavy_check_mark:
07 @Cartero-57 :heavy_check_mark:
08 @Mahufi :heavy_check_mark:
09 @melly86 :heavy_check_mark:
10 @Cassiopheia, @Tali :heavy_check_mark:
11 @anon3909257 :heavy_check_mark:
12 @Stellina :heavy_check_mark:
13 @kwiksa Jeroen und Jana restzahlung fehlt
14 @Lotty :heavy_check_mark: @Haru_kek :heavy_check_mark:
15 @Panda_girl01 @StrickOmi64 :heavy_check_mark:


|01| @Vorti :heavy_check_mark:
|02| @Silkie Karten :heavy_check_mark:
|03| @dororose :heavy_check_mark:
|04| @konsue :heavy_check_mark:
|05| @CBOS teil des TG vorort
|06| @Millefolia :heavy_check_mark:
|07| @kiddy67 :heavy_check_mark:
|08| @Rosinchenblau Karten TG und Karten muss noch bez: VORORT

TG ist voll

Count me in, please :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: for a single room :sleeping_bed:t3:

I would like to come.

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Daygust, please

Luis and I come too

Day guest, please.

Bin dabei

Ich wäre auch wieder gern dabei. Gern Zimmer 32 bitte :wink:


Ich wäre auch wieder gerne dabei

@Tali und ich sind auch wieder dabei. Gerne mit dem üblichen Zimmer :grin:

Bitte Tolga und mich wieder einquartieren, gern im gehabten Zimmer

Wir hollen gerne am Bahnhof ab
Freitags ab ca 15.30 ihr bis 20.00
Wir bringen zum Bahnhof
Sonntags direkt nach dem Mittagessen.
Für andere Zeiten Bus /Taxi/andere Teilnehmer ansprechen.

Bis jetzt hat das immer geklappt.

Für Berliner ist es oft günstiger von und an Bielefeld mit der Flixtrain. Das bitte mit zb Marie /Waltraud absprechen.
Liebe Grüße

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ich komme gern als Tagesgast wieder vorbei strong text

Thank you @ich_bin_berliner for your card. :slight_smile:

You got a card from the future? :slight_smile: It was probably from this year’s meeting instead: 3. Niedersachsenmeeting 23.7.- 25.7.2021 Osnabrück - Rulle


Oh, thank you. :wink:

I would like to join. Lotty, share room?


I would love to share a room with you, Inger.

Hopefully I will see you this year in Bielefeld when I get a place.

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