15-16 August 2024 - Meetup at Hartford, CT Great American Stamp Show

I plan to be there. I will let you know how many cards I need as the event gets closer.

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congrats on your 1st post @chris5562


Thanks for organizing this. I’d like to request 20 cards for each day. Also, I’d be up for sticking around for Saturday if someone is up for organizing that.

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Hi! I’ll be there both Thursday & Friday. I would love 40 from each day please.

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I plan to attend either Thursday or Friday! 30 cards total please - I know there is no cost for postcards but I would be happy to contribute, even beyond the cost of my own cards! @jabigalke please message me if you need me to Venmo you! This will be my first meetup - very excited to see everyone :slight_smile:

I’ll be there both days. 15 cards for each day please!

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Can I sign up for 25 for each day, please and Thank You!!
I am looking forward to the stamp show and now that I l know there will be Meetups makes it even more fun.

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I’m excited for the stamp show and the unexpected delight of the meetup. I’m planning for Thursday and would like to sign up for 10 cards. Thanks!

Hi Jay, I’ll be there both days when not busy with jury. 15 card total for me please.

I think 10 postcards per day is good for me

Hi Jay, i had previously commented, confirming my attendance and requesting cards but i dont see my comment. May i please have 30 cards for each day? Thanks so much.

Hi I will attend i would like 40 of each


Hello, If this is still open for additional requests, I’ll take 25. Not sure what day I will be attending yet.

Hi! I might be able to make it on Friday and would love 15 cards.


I will be flying in from California! I’d like to request 30 postcards for Thursday please — not sure about Friday yet. Thank you for organizing!

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If you’re still accepting requests, can I please have 5 cards? I’ll most likely attend on Thursday!

I will be there all week. 15 cards per day please.

Hi! Im going to try to make it both days! I will let you know the amount of cards once I can confirm this :smiley:

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Hello! I just spoke to my boss and I will be able to make it on Friday! Super excited! It will be my first meet up! If possible, can I please get 2 post cards? Thank you!