15-16 August 2024 - Meetup at Hartford, CT Great American Stamp Show

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Hartford, Conn.
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Great American Stamp Show at Connecticut Convention Center - Room 21, 100 Columbus Blvd., Hartford, Conn.
:calendar: DATE: 15-16 Aug 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: noon to 2 p.m. Eastern Time, both Thursday and Friday
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Please respond below with approximately how many meetup postcards for each day you might be interested in so enough are produced. There are no costs for the postcards. The meetup event postcards are being produced by Linn’s Stamp News (www.linns.com) and the postcard will relate to the Pinback Buttons forever stamp issue and the Autumn Colors forever stamp issue. The main purpose of the get together, supported by the American Philatelic Society and Linn’s Stamp News, is to socialize and sign postcards if so desired.

If there are any questions, ask away.

Will provide a link to the designs of the postcards when available.


whooo! :fire: i plan to be there on both days; may i order 30 per day?

looking forward to my first great american stamp show :blush:


:sob: Any chance of extending the PC meetup to that Saturday? It’s an especially difficult week for me to take Thurs/Fri off, but I’d love to meet other Postcrossers!


I’ll be there both days, maybe 25 for each day.


I would like 1 card of each. I also can not be there till Saturday. Can I get them then please?

Hi, I will be there hopefully on Saturday to.
I also do some crocheting and crafting myself. :slight_smile:

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My schedule is unpredictable but I’ll do my best. As it gets closer, I’ll confirm etc. Went to my 1st meetup Saturday. More fun than expected!!

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I’ll be there both days. Need 10 cards each day

I plan to be there both days. May i please have 40 cards each day? Thank you.

I will be there both days. 10 cards for each day please.

I plan to attend either day depending on my air flight to GASS. Attendance date to confirm soon. 30 postcards please. Can you confirm the time it takes from the airport to the convention ctr?

I just got a flight arrival on 15 August I should be able to be at the noon to 2pm meetup or Friday meetup. I still am asking for 30 cards.

Maybe 20 minutes driving

Thank you for your answer. The plane arrives at 1030am. I have no luggage so i may be able to make the aug 15 meetup.

Hello it is me again. I have decided to do the meetup on Friday as well as the stamp show. I still want to still to my number 30 cards. I want to get some sightseeing and check into my hotel on Thursday.

Right now it looks like Friday will be the day that I can come, if I can come. I’d say it’s about a 75% likelihood. May I please get 30 postcards? In the event I have to cancel because of my schedule, I’ll be glad to send payment for them to be mailed to me after they’ve circulated and in stampeded. Of course I really want to be there in person and I’ll do my best to be there. Thanks so much for organizing this

I will be there! I’d like to request 30 postcards for each day please


Hello-great idea!
Fifteen cards each day for me, please.
See you in August!

Hi - I will be travelling from Australia for GASS. Could I request 25 postcards for each day. Cheers, Matty


Hi! We’ll be there Friday I believe. Can I order 5? Thank you!