13th International London Meeting May 4th 2024

So Gutted I couldn’t make this years Meetup! Some great pictures.

A bundle of meetup cards and stickers arrived in the post this morning, a big thank you to @chrisbonham11 @MogCherie & @constanze for organising and the logistics of getting the meet up cards to me :two_hearts:

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Sorry you couldn’t make it! I take no credit here though, Chris said you weren’t coming and I quite rudely just said well does he want his cards (I briefly forgot that things other that postcards matter) and it was all him from there :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Maedje for sending a card from the meet-up😊

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The Postcrossing card I sent from the meetup has arrived :tada:


I sent one to my postcard pen pal in Germany and she received it on Wednesday along with an official card - the same meetup card with my stamp on but, obviously, from someone else who was there who had drawn her address!


What are the chances!


I know! If I had been reading the addresses I would have seen hers as it was from a Postcrosser who prepares the cards before the meetup. :grin:

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Do you know the ID number??

It was a card from you!

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I participated 2016 and have a lot of nice memories.

Thank you @Toucans and @Maedje for sending cards from this great Meeting. :smiley:


How awesome!!!

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Dear @Maedje, thank you so much for your great postcard from this meetup. Thank you so much for thinking of me :kissing_heart:.