13.04.2024 A German who meets Finland in Austria- the 10th Postcrossingversary of radiohead92

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Vienna
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Stephansplatz / Stephansdom (close to Rauch store)
:calendar: DATE: 13.4.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
I signed up to Postcrossing 10 years ago and it has brightened up my life. Reason enough to organise my first meeting.
I am studying the Finnish language and culture in Vienna - because I travelled to Finland through Postcrossing, a crazy story…
The Austrian Postcrossers have welcomed me so warmly, so I’m looking forward to celebrating my 10th Postcrossing birthday with a meeting.

The meeting card will again be made by SassySnitch, who will combine Finnish, Austrian and Allgäu costumes, you will be surprised!

A special guest will be sienemien from Belgium!

Our plans for the day? Buy postcards and have lunch at Wienerwald and have a nice meeting and spend time together!

The participants list:

  1. radiohead92 :austria:
  2. sienemien :belgium:
  3. vessuvia :austria:
  4. robin67 :austria:
  5. ooma :austria:
  6. ChrStroh :austria:
  7. chrisgri :austria:
  8. paladru :austria:
  9. haweiup :austria:
  10. daisy169 :austria:
  11. radiofan :austria:
  12. SchwesterSusi :austria:
  13. Luckystarshine :austria:
  14. Eagle1 :austria:
  15. Lisa1402 :austria:
  16. mysticvampire :austria:
  17. barbara58 :austria:
  18. Bock :austria:
  19. Kaba1234 :austria:
  20. papapaff :de:
  21. mihneaR :romania:
  22. nuhr13 :austria:
  23. rainintheforest :ukraine:
  24. Schumi99 :romania:

Waiting room :slight_smile:

P.S. Please send me a direct message to participate :slight_smile:


Super! :smiley:

I am already looking forward to it! :+1:

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Great idea😊.
Please sign me in👍.


Please sign me in.
Fritz BOCK

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@robin67 @ooma @sienemien @ChrStroh @chrisgri @paladru @haweiup @daisy169 @radiofan @SchwesterSusi @Luckystarshine @eagle1 @Lisa1402 @mysticvampire @barbara58 @Bock

Dear friends! And any other possible participants!

Here is the official meeting postcard proposal. If you would like to order some, don’t hesitate to message me. I’m happy to help @radiohead92 on this matter.

“A German meets Finland in Austria” by SassySnitch. All rights reserved.


Yes yes yeesss , 15 please :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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pls 10 for me. Thanks

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Also 10 for me pls. :smiling_face:

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Please have 30 printed for me.
Fritz Bock

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15 for me please :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Für mich bitte 20 Karten, Dankeschön :grinning:

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Hallo, liebe Postcrossers!
Ich wäre sehr daran interessiert, die schöne Karte zu tauschen.
Meine Angebote:

Viel Spaß beim Meetup und vielen Dank im Voraus.

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Wieder mal eine mega tolle Meeting Karte von den Wiener Postcrossern :heart_eyes:
Hat jemand Lust zum tauschen ?

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Ich würde 15 Karten nehmen! Bitte, danke!

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Ich nehme bitte 400 Karten, danke😊.

400 oder 40? Nur zur Sicherheit. @SchwesterSusi

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@Vessuvia 40 meinte ich natürlich​:joy::see_no_evil:.
Danke, daß Du fragst😘!!

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Hallo @Vessuvia ,

ich hätte gerne auch 40 Karten, danke.

LG Martin

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@papapaff Notiert :slight_smile:

Hello! Please add me to that list :smiley: Not 100% that I will come - but…95 - I am from Romania