12th International London Meeting April 29 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: London
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Gordon Square, Euston
:calendar: DATE: 29/04/2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10am
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: TB

Hi all,

Finally, a plan!

10:00-11:00 Conglomerate in Gordon Square near Momo’s Garden Cafe
11:00-12:30 Head over to the Wellcome Collection to see their exhibits including a special exhibition about milk
12:45 Head over to the Crown and Anchor pub for food and postcard signing

I’ll send out a message to everyone who signs up closer to the time with exact details and my phone number etc. plus details of the meetup cards.

What you will need to bring-
*Any postcards you want signing
*Pens or your handstamp
*A wrapped gift for the raffle (budget £5)
*Some cash will be helpful to pay for any meetup cards you buy, and the food (and also maybe stamps if my partner and I bring some cheap ones from where we work, we work in a stamp auction so can get them heavily discounted)

Best wishes,


  1. Constanze
  2. itsDunnies
  3. charzevans
  4. foxfires
  5. seaview
  6. JennyAssis
  7. JennyAssis husband
  8. chrisbonham11
  9. rhiandroid_123
  10. hcross2015
  11. geo_
  12. geo_ husband
  13. EDC83
  14. Edpe11
  15. alienor02
  16. Potatosium
  17. Eli33
  18. SashaUA13
  19. toucans
  20. Maddymail
  21. Ellandan
  22. fisherman
  23. mapcardcollector
  24. Elvisiswithme
  25. Junaiki
  26. tashac
  27. Star-Mix-1982
  28. Nezumi
  29. Nezumi’s friend Janetchu21
  30. Delia_Suvari
  31. TinyMouse
  32. die-Dusche
  33. lady_of_the_house
  34. Friedgold91
  35. MogCherie
  36. JANIS10


  1. Dsales

Can’t Make It

  1. Kushboo
  2. Flowerinapot (maybe)

Waiting to hear from

  1. sajinghan
  2. Jonny1987
  3. Xylia
  4. 2liz
  5. AngiePangie
  6. cgm616
  7. Megami
  8. tesc
  9. AngelinaK
  10. alexfc
  11. carlat13
  12. maggiebee
  13. Yevgenia

My partner and I actually talked about travelling to London again yesterday. This might be the excuse I need :laughing: Don’t put me on the list yet, I’ll have to see if this fit into my calendar.

Fantastic, I’m not working, so put me down! :+1:t3:

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Hello Constanze, Please add me to the list provisionally :blush:

I am really interested in taking part. It just depends on my work schedule whether I can make it to London on time so please put me down as a maybe for now.

Hi, I would like to come please!

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Would love to come, please add me on the list. :heart_eyes:

Please add me to the list for updates too :smiley:

I’d love to come - assuming there are any trains running this time :roll_eyes:

Count with me and @anon59326037

April also my birthday :smiley:
I will attend! And I will take lots of special stickers and postcard with me!
I will also take my postcrossing card of ZIBO Qishengliuli Postcrossing Group.
Willing to swap for any postcard!

I’d love to come :slight_smile:

Alas, I shall be away

Added you all :slight_smile:

Yes please, I will be there!

Pencil me in!

Hi Constanze, please add me to the list! Jonny :slight_smile:

I’m interested :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hello @constanze , after the grand time I had on Saturday with folks on the Christmas meet-up, you can count me in for this! Thanks for organising!

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Can you add me & @hcross2015, trains dependent :yum:

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