11 February 2023 - The Valentine's Day Meetup - real thing!

Thank you so much for your message, @Robin67
Honeybee was so kind and told me everything about the stamp-tradition.
I already orderd one and can’t wait to use it and meet you all! :heart:


I think this message would be also helpful for Bibliotheksengel :slight_smile: thank you, Robin, for your help :slight_smile:

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Anybody wants to swap with me

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Hi Vessuvia! I’d like to come as well, and also would like to order 5 postcards from each (if there’s any more left).
this would be my 1st ever meetup.


Hi, Tilda! Welcome!

Got you on the list! Please read all the posts/answers about this meetup, they can help you out if you have some questions :slight_smile: About the postcards: I will let you know if I have any left - they have just arrived and I’m counting right now! Please be patient, it may take a day or two.


I’d like to join too, coming with Tilda_Apfelkern :slight_smile:


Oh, I hope I’ll be able to join, we’d visit Vienna together that weekend.


Will you sign me on a reserve list, please. I have to wait till the end of January to see if I am free that weekend. Thank you.


Hello! Is it possible to swap this card? Joanna

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Hi! I’d like to ask about swap :slight_smile: These postcards are really cute!

I have sent you a private message.

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Hallo Vessuvia

Bitte streiche mich von der Liste. Die lange Fahrt mache ich lieber wenn es wieder wärmer geworden ist. Ich war im Postcrossingfieber als ich mich angemeldet habe…)
Trotzdem würde ich gern die Karten haben.
Meine Adresse ist Angelika Würmlin, Zunzingerstr.2 ,D- 79379 Müllheim


It is better to send your address in a private message! :wink:

Kein Problem! Schade, dass Du nicht kommst, aber ja, es ist eine lange Reise. Vielleicht nächstes Mal? Schöne Grüße an Dich. Und die Karten sende ich gerne, natürlich.

Dear participants! Friends!

Please let me know, if you didn’t get your postcards from me! And actually also let me know if you did :smiley: I sent some already :slight_smile: to a few of you, but! please check your mails before - I tried to contact everybody who ordered any cards but I get no answers in some cases. I need no answer from: honeybee, Daisy169, zuzulik, Robin67 - there’s all done, safe and clear :wink:

Thank you in advance.

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Would you like to swap a card with Genoa 11th February meetup?


I have sent you a private message. :slight_smile:

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Dear all, as suggested by @Iside82 the same day in Genoa there will be the Valentine’s Day Meetup with the card

If you want this contact please me or @Iside82 or @stefbot75 so se can organize a group swap

Thanks a lot

Davide Parodi


i swap with @honeybee :heart_eyes: but i can swap with others who could be interested in genoa meetup postcard :smile: just find an agreement with anita so that the others don’t send me the same postcard as this time there are 3 postcards available in your meetup :rofl:


You are joining!
Please contact me!