10 August 2023 - Meetup Life Magnified Stamp Dedication Cleveland, Ohio

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Great American Stamp Show 2023, Huntington Convention Center, 300 Lakeside Ave, Cleveland, Ohio
:calendar: DATE: August 10th, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: Noon-2PM Eastern Standard Time
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Hello everyone!
The USPS will be dedicating the “Life Magnified” stamps at the 2023 Great American Stamp Show. This meetup will happen immediately after the stamp dedication ceremony is concluded.
Entry to the Stamp Show is free and all ages are welcome, there’s even an area for young children.

The USPS event starts at 11AM EDT (local time) and is held in Hall C of the convention center. The Stamp Show and USPS event are both free to attend, but the USPS requests that attendees RSVP at this link- Life Magnified | USPS
Meetup card is ordered, if you didn’t pre-request cards there may be a few left. Meetup cards came out to 20 cents each, you can reimburse me at the event or message me for paypal/venmo info if you prefer to pay in advance.
I am looking forward to seeing you all there!


Hey Trevor!
I’m going to be able to make it to the meet up on the 11th, are you going to be at that one, too? If so, will there be meet up cards from the 10th still available? I won’t need them signed and will only need a few. I wish that I had known about this meet up sooner, I could have made it to both of them. That would have been so much fun. Well, anyway, hope to see you on the 11th.

Yes I’ll be at that one as well. I haven’t ordered meetup cards yet but if you let me know how many you’d like I’ll be sure to set them aside for you!

10 will be enough, thank you.

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I plan on attending the meetup as well, could you set aside 10 for me too please.

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Trevor- I will be there. I would like 100 cards if you have that many.

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I will be there in Cleveland for the GASS. Can I have 10 cards please and thank you!

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I plan to be there and would like 25 cards, please.

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Trevor- If you need to print more cards to meet a minimum quantity for an order, I will take more than 100. I would like at least 100 though. Looking forward to seeing you again.

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@LovelyLindaPost We are good! I bought 250, I think that leaves like 20 extra in case anybody else shows up without requesting cards in advance. I can email you the design files if you’d like to order some more but I’m in Majuro at the moment so my WiFi isn’t great. See you soon!

Thanks Trevor! 100 is great for me.


If there are any cards left, I would like five. Thanks.

George Baker

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Think I mixed this up with the event on 8/11. I’ll take 5 cards if available. Thank you!

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I can part with a few of my cards if necessary. I want to be sure thst everbody gets some.

There are also 10 cards left still

Are there any cards still left?

Yes there are 10 left

I’d love to take the last 10 if possible. I’ll probably be a bit late to the meetup as my plane lands at about 11:15am.

Yes those 10 are saved for you!

Good morning friends, Today is the day!
The stamp dedication starts at 11am, meetup will happen immediately afterward. I will be holding a paper with the postcrossing logo so y’all can find me and will be wearing navy pants with a navy jacket and plaid shirt. We will find a table to sit down and sign postcards and then we can buy stamps and mail them out. Looking forward to seeing you all today!