10 August 2023 - Meetup Life Magnified Stamp Dedication Cleveland, Ohio

Trevor- I lost you. I am at the tables by the Lakeside Market

Everyone coming for the meetup-
We have a table next to the lakeside market in the concessions area of the stamp show event hall. Come on over and find us, there’s a postcrossing logo paper on the table!

@GeoB1 @britceline13 @Loisir are y’all at the stamp show? Can we help you find our table?

Yes, we are. Sorry I was obsessed looking for covers. Where are you at? I heard the radio said they moved the meetup to tomorrow.

It’s still going on we are over by the concessions area to the right of the usps stage. We have a postcrossing logo on the table. There is another meetup going on tomorrow as well but todays is still happening too. Come on over! @Loisir

We have walked 2 rounds around the stage and still can’t find you, sorry! I guess we’ll see you tomorrow.

Tomorrow is fine! If you’re still at the show you can stop by the APS booth by the entrance and say you’re looking for Trevor, they’ll grab me

@Loisir ill be at booth 407 for the next hour or so

Thank you Trevor for a lovely meetup!

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Hello all! Here is the group photo from this meetup, thank y’all for coming!

Thanks for posting the photo. I had a great time at my first meetup. Hope our Postcrossing paths will cross again.

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