1 October 2023 - WPD Meetup in Ann Arbor, MI

Hi Sally!

This page has some FAQs and general information about Postcrossing meetups:

Short answer: anyone can attend, from anywhere. The planned activity is postcard-writing and socializing. Bring your own supplies, but we will have some postcards on-hand free for participants while supplies last.

AADL has agreed to provide some postcards!

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Woohoo!! How exciting!!

I’m so happy to hear of a local event!
That’s a bit of a busy weekend, but I will try to make it!

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Just realized that I forgot to make this post earlier: I’ll be there. I was planning on making a trip to Ann Arbor sometime in September originally; October 1st works for that instead.

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An additional update: I just ordered 100 copies of the USA design from Free Designs for 2023 World Postcard Day Postal Hug

I’ll be bringing those with me and offering those out for free too.

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Some photos from the library - lots of overflow space in the event we don’t have enough seating in the Muskrat Room. Bonus: some AADL postcard sets donated for the event.

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I’m in western Michigan and will do my best to attend. Anyone interested in trading some cards from local local town? New Buffalo?

Looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday! Here’s the current list of folks who have RSVPed (a few are ‘maybes’):

  1. @lisibit
  2. Kim Knoll
  3. @Chacucha
  4. @starshine52
  5. @ingahuff
  6. Susan Daniels
  7. @pixiesmom
  8. @alex_zhang
  9. @BigRedRoyalOak
  10. @nicolegearty99
  11. @beatriceh
  12. @cisne17
  13. @stodoroff
  14. @gardenfaerie
  15. @Cassildra
  16. @jumapi
  17. @writtenonairplanes
  18. @StampAndSend
  19. @AccentOnHakes
  20. @jhawkins
  21. @JunkInYourCabinet
  22. @skissman
  23. @KQ
  24. @RandSton
  25. @crispyunit

Add me to that list!

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Does anyone want to trade cards with me? I will be at the Washington DC meetup. Send me a personal message for to trade addresses.

Would anyone coming to this have interest if I organized a meetup to send postcards from Hell?

Could be fun to try and time something around Halloween, but that might be a bit soon!


Sounds fun; I sent some cards from there last August and everyone who received one loved them; I was meaning to head there again some time this year but had forgotten.

Note that cellular data signals might be bad there (but the post office has a wifi signal).

If I recall correctly, they aren’t open year-round. Last August, it was uncomfortably humid there despite the actual temperature being fine. I thought they closed after September for some reason, but it also doesn’t make any sense for them to not be open until at least Halloween. Hell, MI will probably be swamped on the weekend before Halloween and Halloween itself (and also on the 13th, which is a Friday). Something like the 21st or 22nd might work though?

Someone should probably call them to ask them about their hours in October though.

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I’m really wanting to go, but am currently a maybe. I’ll try my best to make it!

I’m open to exchanging!

I can’t make it today! Stupid migraines, I called it. Have a great time, everyone! I’ll hope there’s a next year and I will try to make it then. :slight_smile:

Thanks to everyone who came out! We had 22+ attendees, who have collectively sent more than 10k postcards. Amazing!

Thanks for organizing this @lisibit !!! It was so wonderful meeting everyone :slight_smile:

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Dear @lisibit and :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thank you to everyone who signed this card.
I hope you had a nice day. :postcrossing:

Hi! Do you know of any WPD for 2024 in AA???