1 October 2023 - Santa Ana (Orange County), CA Meetup - World Postcard Day!

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Santa Ana, CA
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Fourth Street Market - 201 E 4th St, Santa Ana, CA 92701
:calendar: DATE: Sunday, October 1, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11AM-2PM PDT
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Greetings all!

To follow in the footsteps of such successful Meetups in Southern California over the last year, we will be hosting a Meetup in commemoration of World Postcard Day!

We will be meeting up at the 4th Street Market in the city of Santa Ana! The food hall is located in the heart of the historic downtown and has plenty of covered outdoor seating - and as we’ve had great success with venues with food options, this location has a variety of food offerings available! There is a large parking structure located a few steps away and offers 2 free hours of parking on weekends.

First Time?
If this is your first time at a Meetup, welcome! – Postcrossing meetups are a way to build on connections with the people behind the cards. We typically tend to - yep, write and send cards at these events :smile: Special Meetup cards are often designed to commemorate the event and other attendees will sign and stamp each other’s cards - but you can also always just bring your own cards! The most important part of the event is to have fun and enjoy sharing with other postcrossers!

Meetup Card
As mentioned, we will be designing a Meetup card for this event - but you’re not required to buy any to participate :sparkles:

Update: Our meetup card has been printed and those that reserved cards will have them the day of the event! If you didn’t reserve some before the deadline, there may be a limited amount available or if someone doesn’t make the event. You can post in the thread or DM me for details

What to Bring?
A pen will get you very far at Meetups. If you just want to sign a few cards, write some postcards to send, and just share stories - you’re set for a good time! Some folks will get a little custom rubber stamper made - something that has their username or even something that identifies with them as a means of signing other Meetup cards. If you have something in mind, feel free to bring it with you and any other decorating tools you like to use!

We also tend to have an area for giveaways :sparkles: If you have any extra postcards you’d like to share with the group, folks are welcome to bring them! Could even be postcrossing supplies!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to post them here! - postcrossing is a great community and fellow postcrossers are always eager to help out where they can. Looking forward to meeting soon!

Postcard Reservations

Member Qty :receipt:
X @ohhsayy 30
1 @Vandelion 20 :dollar:
2 @sleepykitty 20 :dollar:
3 @Kristi-D 10 :dollar:
4 @RedHairSteph 20 :iphone::white_check_mark:
5 @tianye4869 30 :iphone::white_check_mark:
6 @sand2sand 20 :iphone::white_check_mark:
7 @Purple_Phoebe 10 :iphone::white_check_mark:
8 @Pyrah 30 :iphone::white_check_mark:
9 @pigeonpost 5
10 @pjh52 5
11 @kanosis 30 :bank: :white_check_mark:
12 @softnettles 5
13 @DearSabrina 10
14 @maitdang 10
15 @catandmouse 15
16 @irenemg 30 :iphone::white_check_mark:
17 @WAREMOM 30
18 @Angelthepup22 30 :iphone::white_check_mark:
19 @lucedelsole 15
20 @Violetbluebird 16
21 @gmansocal 20
22 @sunkissedRN 10 :bank: :white_check_mark:
23 @llmike007 20 :iphone::white_check_mark:
24 @jmorris 20
25 @SpookyKid 10 :iphone::white_check_mark:
26 @CorgiMama 20 :bank: :white_check_mark:
27 @ashwan564 15
28 #PavisSabinas 15 :iphone::white_check_mark:
29 @angiefe 10
30 #JuanCTMC 10 :dollar: :white_check_mark:
31 @wenchan91 20 :iphone::white_check_mark:
32 #Alias.Gallo 10 :iphone::white_check_mark:
33 @orange_memo 10 :bank: :white_check_mark:
34 @nocutenik 10 :iphone::white_check_mark:
35 @TheVintageDarling 20 :dollar:
36 @hulamunki 10 :iphone::white_check_mark:
37 @DW13 10
:iphone: Venmo
:bank: Zelle
:dollar: Cash
:white_check_mark: Received

Payment for cards will be accepted at the event (Cash, Venmo), or can pay ahead to reserve via Venmo! (@ohhsayy_pc)
May have Zelle available the day of the event


Very cool, Oce!! Super excited to have a meetup in the OC, and on World Postcard Day, no less! :mailbox_with_mail: :earth_americas: :tangerine: :beach_umbrella:


Excited for this. Count me in!

@Kristi-D @Ueiko @angiefe


Thank you @llmike007 @Vandelion ! Excited to see everyone and on such a special date! :email::earth_americas:


Excited for this meetup. This will be my first one since I joined postcrossing :relaxed:


I should be able to make it–looking forward to hearing more! Thanks, Oce!


@cri62579 — we are excited for you! I met several people here on my first Meetup and we’ve been connected since :raised_hands:t5:

@Kristi-D looking forward! Will absolutely be posting updates here as they come, from venue, to card design and details!


@catandmouse For your consideration… :smiling_face:


Thank you for the heads up.
I might be able to attend this one since it’s closer to home.
It’s a tentative yes for now.


I can possibly meet, depending on my schedule. This will be my 1st one! :smiley: What do we normally do on meet-ups? Can anyone explain? Thanks!!


Hopefully you’re able to make it @catandmouse :pray:t5: !

Glad to be able to host your first Meetup @Michelle305 ! It’s a great way to meet and great fellow postcrossers :smiley: At our latest Meetups, we tend to design a special postcard to commemorate the gathering - we then stamp/sign/write on these during the meetup as we get to know each other. You don’t have to buy any of these to participate at all, though! - Some folks even take other cards to share! Hopefully you’re able to make it!

Will be posting more details as we find some potential venues, and I’ll be designing a Meetup card so I’ll post it here once it’s ready!


@Michelle305 Here are some pics of our last Meetup, and some cards with different members’ stamps and signatures!


I will be glad to exchange )))
If my links never open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

Please keep me in the loop, too. I would love to attend another So Cal meetup to see you all again!


Where do you get the stamps from? They are cute!


@sleepykitty and @vtr9 we look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!

@cri62579 I think people have sourced different spots! Some folks will send in their own design and have them custom made at spots like RubberStamps.com (Not a plug nor sponsored :stuck_out_tongue: ), and some have bought others on online marketplaces like Etsy – It’s cool to see them all come together!


Hi, I am interested in attending the October 1 meetup in OC. I live in Los Angeles.


@Laralu would be great to have you!

This will be my first meetup. Excited!


I’m very excited about this. I joined about three months ago and am having so much fun exchanging postcards. But meeting up in person has to be the best! I’m excited to meet as many of you as I can.

I live in Riverside County, so it’s not too far and I just can’t wait! I’m already working on designing my stamp, lol!